You know, I’ve got to confess, I’ve got a documentary on, at the moment.
Fascinating one about the island of
Santorini, whose exploding volcano, a few thousand years ago, is though to have provided the basis of the stories of Atlantis.
What get’s me is the reason I’m watching.
Granted, I’ve not seen it.
That’s part of it.
The other … ?
Is that the BBC NEws channel’s just had a brief article — one I suspect will be repeated — about how tarantulas cling to walls, by excreting silk from their feet.
Which is nice.
Personally, though … ?
In the words of the late Stan Freberg, “I don’t dig spiders” …
Lets get moving on, shall we … ?
Yes, lets …
Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Kaiju and Debbi putting in their answers: with both scoring 5 out of 5, it also saw Kaiju showing us a picture of the rather nasty looking Puckle Gun, and Debbi managing to catch my typo, pointing out I’d put 1561 instead of 1567. Yesterday also saw Trevor, bless ’im, telling us he’d managed to the farthest end of the Lewis and Clarke Trail, at a small seaside town in Oregon called Seaside.
Rather appropriate …
At any rate, lets move on, and see how Debbi, Kaiju and you do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 16th May, 1920, saw which French heroine canonised … ?
Q2) More to the point, by which pope … ?
Q3) 16th May, 1929, saw the first ever Oscars awarded: who won that year’s Best Actor gong … ?
Q4) 16th May, 1943, saw the end of which Uprising … ?
Q5) And finally … 16th May, 1991, saw who become the first reining monarch become the first to address both Houses of the US Congress … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 15th May, 1536, saw who stand trial for treason … ?
A1) Anne Boleyn.
Q2) 31 years later, 15th May, 1567, saw who marry her third husband … ?
Q2) Mary, Queen of Scots.
Q3) 15th May, 1718, saw lawyer, James Puckle patent the Machine Gun: what did he call it … ?
A3) The Defense Gun. (Puckle designed a version that fired square bullets: designed, he said, to convince the Turks of “… the benefits of Christian civilization”. Apparently … )
Q4) 15th May, 1957, saw Britain test its first H-bomb: over which island … ?
A4) Christmas Island. (You you, that’s giving me weird mental images of Slim Pickens singing Santa Claus Is Coming To Town … )
Q5) And finally … 15th May, 1940, saw McDonalds open it’s first restaurant: in which Californian town … ?
A5) San Bernardino.
Enjoy those, everyone: now, if you’ll excuse me … ? I’m going to stack those crates of bananas …
1. Saint Joan of Arc
ReplyDelete2. Pope Benedict XV
3. Emil Jannings, who won best actor for “The Last Command” and “The Way of All Flesh”
4. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
5. Queen Elizabeth II
1. Joan of Arc
ReplyDelete2. Pope Benedict XV
3. Emil Jannings
4. the Warsaw Ghetto uprising
5. Queen Elizabeth II
1. Pope Benedict XV
ReplyDelete2. Queen Elizabeth II
3. Joan of Arc
4. Emil Jannings
5. he Warsaw Ghetto uprising