
Sunday 15 May 2011

Dr Who: The Woman Who Watches …

You know, that’s something I know I’ll happily confess to.

Now, you’ve probably realised I’m a Dr Who fan, hadn’t you … ?

You should’ve done, by now …

But, at any rate, I’ve been happily watching Series 6 of the revived series, and happily enjoying it.

After all, Moffat and company has managed to grab me with a suitably dark mix of scripting, acting and production that’s kept me glued.

Granted, I’ve felt The Curse of the Black Spot has been the weakest of the episodes, so far.

But that’s a result, I think, of it being somewhat lighter in tone than episodes one, two and four.

Rather than through any kind of lack of effort.


But in a bizarre sort of way, it’s The Curse of the Black Spot I wanted to write about.

Well …


And episode 2, The Day Of the Moon, that I’m thinking of writing about.

You see, in both episodes, Amy has something of a strange thing happen.

In The Day of The Moon, Amy is exploring an orphanage: just before going through the door leading to the little girl at the centre of the episode, this happens …

And in The Curse of the Black Spot, she and Rory are trying to get some sleep, when the same woman with the eyepatch crops up in the wall, again …

Hmmm …

Now, of course, there’s questions.

Probably several, in point of fact.

My first one … ?

Was whether anyone else has noticed something I have.

The clip I called ‘Watcher’ is in episode 2, just as Amy goes through the door …

But it seems to me that Eyepatch Lady is talking about events in The Curse of the Black Spot.

And in her appearance in Curse, seems to be talking about Moon

If you see what I mean … ?

That’s not the first ones that sprang to mind, though.

That’s just ones I’d felt, seeing the episodes back to back.

What seems obvious to me, is that Eyepatch Lady is watching Amy. For whatever reason.

And isn’t necessarily watching in the same order we and Amy are watching her.

That’s not too surprising, given Moffat’s penchant for plot lines that twist through time like tunnels in anthills.

The one thing I do know my first questions was “Who was She … ?”

That’s one of the obvious questions.

Who is she … ?

Why is she watching Amy … ?

What happened to her right eye … ?

Is she anything to do with the Corsair, mentioned in The Doctor’s Wife … ?

And I have to admit, I don’t know … !

That’s a hell of a motivation to keep watching … !

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