
Sunday 15 May 2011

The Daily Teaser: 15-5-11


I hate it when I forget to turn on me alarm … !

I do … !

OK, granted, I’m not working at the moment.

And, granted, it’s a Sunday today … !

But, even given that, I do like to try and keep to a regular schedule.

Oh, I know there’s no real point to it …

But …

Well …

It’s nice to be able to have a structure, isn’t it … ?

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mr Strict, Kaiju and Debbi all putting in their answers: and saw ALL of them bagging 5 out of 5! Star of the show, I’m thinking, though, was Kaiju for putting in that story about Dr Robert … !

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 15th May, 1536, saw who stand trial for treason … ?

Q2) 31 years later, 15th May, 1561, saw who marry her third husband … ?

Q3) 15th May, 1718, saw lawyer, James Puckle patent the Machine Gun: what did he call it … ?

Q4) 15th May, 1957, saw Britain test its first H-bomb: over which island … ?

Q5) And finally … 15th May, 1940, saw McDonalds open it’s first restaurant: in which Californian town … ?
And here’s yesterday’s Questions and answers …
Q1) 14th May, 1973, saw the launch of Skylab, the world’s second human-inhabited space station: what was the world’s first … ?
A1) The Soviet Salyut 1.

Q2) 14th May, 1607, saw the founding of which English colony in Virginia … ?
Q2) Jamestown,

Q3) 14th May, 1939, saw Lina Medina confirmed as the world’s youngest mother: how old was she … ?
A3) 5.

Q4) 14th May, 1804, saw the famed Lewis and Clarke expedition begin their exploration of the Louisiana Territory: by going up which river … ?
A4) The Missouri River.

Q5) And finally … 14th May, 1955, saw the signing of the Warsaw Pact in Poland: who Soviet Prime Minister at the time … ?
A5) Marshal Nicolai Bulgarin.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …


  1. 1. Queen Anne Boleyn
    2. Mary Queen of Scots
    3. The Puckle Gun: Defence Gun—a tripod-mounted, single-barreled flintlock weapon fitted with a multishot revolving cylinder, designed for shipboard use to prevent boarding. For a picture:
    4. Christmas Island
    5. San Bernardino, California

  2. I have been to the end of the Lewis and Clarke trail. It finishes at a town called Seaside on the coast of Oregon.


  3. Blimey … Did you manage to bag a photo, Trevor?

  4. 1. Anne Boleyn
    2. Mary Queen of Scots (however, the year was 1567, according to this source:
    3. the Puckle Gun
    4. Christmas Island
    5. San Bernadino, CA


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