
Sunday 29 May 2011

Smoking …

You know …

I’ve got to admit I’m slightly nervous, I really am …

You see, I’ve got to admit, my Doctor — the family one, bless him, rather the one played by Matt Smith et al — has been telling me for years to pack up smoking …

That’s part of the job, after all.

But it’s not a decision I’ve looked at, easily.

I don’t think it’s a decision any smoker does.

But just recently … ?

I’ll be frank, with the loss of the job at CeX, my finances have taken a bit of a hit.

So …

I made an appointment with my local GP’s nurse.

To see about giving up smoking …

Very efficient nurse, I’ve got to admit …

Who didn’t mind my rather sad ‘smoking nurse’ gag …


But … ?

But at any rate, I’ve now got a packet of the strongest nicoyine gum and a separate one of the nicotine patches.

And a stop date set for tomorrow.

Wish me luck …

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck, you won't regret it. I went cold turkey about 24 years ago and have been insufferable about smoking ever since.
    (ps the captcha word for this comment is "reaper" - VERY suitable)


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