
Sunday 29 May 2011

The Daily Teaser: 29-5-11

Hmmm …

Now, I don’t know if you saw it, last night, but episode 6 of this series of Dr WhoThe Almost People — was one I was rather impressed by.

I’ll say no more than that.

But I’d urge you to go read the relevant post on the other blog I contribute to.

Ooh …

I’m just hoping that my US regular Dr Who readers — Debbi and Sean — don’t read it until next week.

To quote River Song … ?

Spoilers … !

Lets move on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — waving frantically the Eastern shores of Maryland — putting in her answers: and bagging 5 out of 5.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s Teaser, shall we … ? Here it is, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 29th May, 1968, saw which football team win the European Cup … ?

Q2) More to the point, who did they beat … ?

Q3) Talking of the European Cup … 29th May, 1985 saw 39 Juventus fans die at the European Cup final … at which Brussels stadium … ?

Q4) 29th May, 1848, saw were become the 30th state of the USA?

Q5) 29th May, 1919, saw Einstein’s theory of General Relativity confirmed by observations of what: a solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse, or a transition of Venus?

Q6) And finally … 29th May, 1982, saw the Pope make a historic visit to Canterbury Cathedral: which Pope … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 28th May, saw the publication of the article, The Forgotten Prisoners: this is seen as the founding date of which human rights group … ?
A1) Amnesty International.

Q2) 28th May, 1987 saw 19-year-old Mathias Rust land a plane … where … ?
Q2) Red Square, Moscow.

Q3) 28th May, 1944, saw the birth of actress, Patricia Quinn: which character did she famously play in The Rocky Horror Picture Show … ?
A3) Magenta.

Q4) Name either of the two countries that joined the UN on 28th May, 1993.
A4) Monaco and Eritrea.

Q5) And finally … 28th May, 1974 saw Brian Faulkner step down from his office: as head of the power-sharing body, where … ?
A5) Northern Ireland.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

1 comment:

  1. I also can't wait to see Doctor Who! :)

    And best of luck with quitting the ciggies. Is that the correct term? :) You'll breathe easier down the road.

    1. Manchester United
    2. Benfica
    3. Heysel Stadium
    4. Wisconsin
    5. solar eclipse
    6. John Paul II


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