
Wednesday 25 May 2011

Sunshine: Just as a thought …

Hmmm …

Now THERE’s a thing …

Do you remember me telling you — quite some time ago — about my mate, Kelly … ?

Bless her, I’ve known Kelly a while, and known — for about as long — that Kelly’s been known to have the odd warble.

Which is possibly not doing her singing justice … !

I’ve got to admit, after seeing Kelly singing at a local open mike night, at local pub, I rather cheekily — I thought — told her she had a voice that was like getting “… rogered by a tub of chocolate moussé”.

Kelly, as it turned out, was flattered.

Actually, this isn’t the time to say that Vix — who did my pub quiz posters, back in the day, — had the kind of singing voice I’d happily marry and have kids with. Kelly’s on the other hand, is one I wanna have an affair with, after I saw it dancing on a table in a nightclub somewhere … … !

Yeah …

Possibly not the time … … … …


But, at any rate, something I asked Kelly as a result of seeing some of her stuff on Sounds Awesome … ?

Was whether she’d mind me posting up a song she’d written, called Sunshine.

Gotta admit, I was expecting a polite, “Thanks, but no thanks”.

But as it turned out, Kelly said yes.

And, like any musician keen to have their material heard, didn’t mind at all: and also keen to see how any video I could put together for her would work.

Here … …

Let us know what you think …

You also watch it, here, on Kelly’s Sound’s Awesome page … !

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