
Wednesday 25 May 2011

An Umbar Knight … 

Isn’t copyright a complicated issue … ?

It is, though, isn’t it … ?

Take the picture: it’s called Dragon and Child, so you know, and by an artist who posts to Deviant Art, called Rinpoo Chuang.

And owned by him, I should add.

The reason I mention it … ?

Is because — unlike most of the stuff on Nik Nak’s Old Peculiarisn’t covered by the Creative commons license I use for the Teasers and question sets.

It’s covered by the usual copyright law in everyone reading this post’s home country.

There’s a reason I’m mention this, as well …

Do you remember me mentioning a friend of mine, called Carly … ?

And how I was pleasantly surprised she’s a published poet … ?


Well, I was …

And she is.

And … ?

Bless her, Carly’s also very graciously given me permission to put one of her poems — The Umbar Knight — here. Hence the attached Copyright notice, and details of where to buy the anthology she’s in at the foot of the page …
The Umbar Knight*

Slip unto a knight’s full slumber,
where sylvan burns a deepest umber,
where folksongs ebb away from rhyme,
replaced on this dusk a chorus of chime.

Shut out this land where heathens race,
as urchins scroll for treasure'd embrace,
using mischief through love, by con by malice,
seeking out gold emerald gems, merlin chalice.

Yet, brave are thee with much honour and stealth,
for no beast nor vagrant shall risk their health,
as bless’ed born thee with an awesome attire,
in your crimson river coarses passion and fire,

And to this dragons bow and all evil repents,
for your gift in heart is a’ heaven sent.
now as the leaves whip up on a reverie,
be, I’m proud of you and those dreams so free,

Oh sleep on, sleep deep and child listen well;
your physique maybe small like a winters' fell.
but you'll grow down roots of greatness bespoke,
for the acorn shells the strong mighty oak.

So slip unto a knight’s full slumber,
where sylvan burns the deepest umber.
where folksong ebb away from rhyme,
replaced on this dusk a chorus of chime …
Bless …

Now, I’m going to be frank, I’m no poetry reader, usually.

But I enjoyed that … !

What touched me … ?

Is that Carly, bless her, originally wrote The Umber Knight for her nephew to help give him some confidence.

And, the other day … ?

Turned to me — on Facebook Chat, I should add — and asked if I’d like a poem.

And then, through FB’s chat service, recited to me, and dedicated it to Jude, my nephew.

I was deeply touched, I’ve got to honest.

Help, deeds or advice offered freely between friends is always deeply appreciated.

And why we treasure them, and do as much as we can for them.

But just occasionally … ?

Just occasionally, I think a line of poetry, just when one needs it … ?

Can work small miracles.


* The Umber Knight, is © 2010 Carly Burns and reprinted with her express permission. It’s available as part of The Power of Poetry anthology, from United Press, 2011. To order copies, contact United Press, here. For further details, please contact United Press at

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