
Tuesday 31 May 2011

Technology: The Oncoming Lion

Hmmm …

You know, it look’s like it’s official, then …

Apple have made the big announcement.

Well …

They’ve done the press release about the big announcement!

Ahem … !

The famously closed-mouth Cupertino company has issued a press release, today, to 4 that this years World Wide Developers Conference — their annual do, in California — they will “… unveil its next generation software”.

I’ve got to admit, I’m curious.

Saying that … ?
  • I’m skint, and really couldn’t afford it.
  • I don’t think Bruce, my ageing Mac Mini, could take the pace.
  • I’m still non-too-sure about the idea of full-screen applications.
But on the other hand … ?

Some of the potential new features look really rather funky:
  • Mission Control looks like an improved version of Exposé, which is usually hard to beat.
  • FileVault looks like it may have been written to include some of Disk Utility’s features, if the line in the Lion blurb, correctly, that it “… provides the ability to wipe all the data from your Mac instantaneously.”
  • And lastly, it looks like Lion can also be set up as a server.
Hmmm …

I’ve got to be honest, I wouldn’t mind a look at it.

Once I’ve won the lottery.

I also couldn’t help but notice that Apple are also going to be announcing their new iCloud service, as well …

That should be interesting, finding out what THAT’s about …

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