
Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Daily Teaser: 31-5-11

Well …

It’s official … !

I got through Day 1 of not smoking, ok … !

I think …

But, by heck, last night was tricky.

Well …

End of the day, and all that.

But I do know I managed to go for a nice healthy walk.

Which helped.

But did get me thinking about when I light up.

Amazes me how we’re creatures of habit.

Lets get moving on, shall we?

Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — bless ’er — putting her answers: and, along with suggesting I stick to the gum, rather than the floorboards, she also managed to bag 6 out of 6.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 31st May, 1279, saw Rameses 2nd — AKA Rameses the Great — become Pharaoh of Egypt: which dynasty did he belong to … ?

Q2) 31st May, 1902, saw the signing of Treaty of Vereeniging: which war did this end … ?

Q3) According to the World Health Organisation, today is World what day … ?

Q4) 31st May, 1678, saw the beginnings of the Godiva processions through which English city … ?

Q5) More to the point, the name ‘Godiva’ means what, in modern English … ?

Q6) And finally … 31st May, 1957, saw who convicted of Contempt of Congress … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 30th May, 1431, saw the death of Saint Joan of Arc: which British band recorded two songs about her on the same album?
A1) Orchestral Maneuvers In The Dark.

Q2) More to the point, what was the name of the album … ?

Q3) 30th May, 1962, saw the birth of comic book writer and artist, Kevin Eastman: which heroes did he help create … ?
A3) The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Q4) 30th May, 2011, is Memorial Day, in the US: what was it originally called … ?
A4) Decoration Day.

Q5) 30th May, 1922, saw the dedication of which US memorial … ?
A5) The Lincoln Memorial.

Q6) And finally … 30th May, 1859, saw what ring for the first time … ?
A6) Big Ben: the bell in the clock-tower of the Palace Of Westminster.
Enjoy those, everyone. I’ll leave you with a couple of tunes … !

1 comment:

  1. 1. the Nineteenth
    2. the 2nd Anglo-Boer War
    3. No Tobacco Day (coincidence? :))
    4. Coventry
    5. gift of god
    6. Arthur Miller

    Good luck, Paul! Stay steady! You can do it. :)


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