
Saturday 21 May 2011

Well …

I’m now officially up and about …

Ahem … !

And I’ve got to admit two things.

First off … ?

I had a rotten night, I really did.

Me own fault, really …

I shouldn’t have had that cola, before I went to bed.

WAY too much caffeine … !

And secondly … ?

I’ve got Yesterday on again, in the background.

Complete with Jeremy Paxman’s fascinating documentary about Victorian Britain.

Some of the statues were …

Well …

Lets just say they’re amazing to look at … ’til you start digging around the history …

Yeah …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and a welcomely returning AlexandraFunFit* — back from a trip to a strawberry ranch — putting in their answers: and saw Debbi ahead of the game, scoring 6 out of 6, with Alexandra bagging two° … !

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) According to newspaper interviews with Rev. Harold Camping, 21st May, 2011 sees the Rapture: at roughly what time in the evening … ? (I’ve a funny feeling somebody’s going to be embarrassed … )

Q2) 21st May, 1966, saw Muhammed Ali win to one of the few boxers to almost gain a knock-out against him: who was that boxer … ?

Q3) 21st May, 1991, saw the end of the Ethiopian Civil War effectively ended when President Mengistu Haile Mariam fled the country: who during the 1980s, called Mengistu a very insulting term — to his face — and survive … ?

Q4) 21st May, 1904, saw the founding of football’s international governing body, FIFA: how many countries football association’s men’s teams does FIFA currently recognise … ?

Q5) And finally … 21st May is Independence Day in which European country … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 20th May, 1896, saw the collapse of what at the Palais Garnier, in Paris … ?
A1) Chandelier. (Famously inspiring a similar event in The Phantom of the Opera. And the main characters in Maskerade to eye the chandelier in the Ankh-Morpork Opera House, and say “That’s an accident waiting to happen … ”)

Q2) 20th May, 1873, saw Levi Strauss and Jacob Davies receive the patent for copper-riveted blue jeans: the word ‘jeans’ is derived from the name of which Italian city … ?
Q2) Genoa.

Q3) The alternative name for jeans is based on the name of which French town … ?
A3) Nimes.

Q4) 20th May, 1969, saw the end of which Vietnam War battle … ?
A4) The Battle of Hamburger Hill.

Q5) 20th May, 1932, saw Amelia Earhart become the first woman to fly non-stop across the Atlantic, by flying from Newfoundland … to which European country … ?
A5) Ireland

Q6) And finally … 20th May, 1916, saw the Saturday Evening Post, publish its first cover by which painter … ?
A6) Norman Rockwell.
Enjoy your day, folks: I’ll catch you later …

* Think I’ll leave the salami theme right there … !

° I think that’s a personal best …

1 comment:

  1. 1. 6 p.m. local time (someone's red-faced, all right :))
    2. Henry Cooper
    3. Meles (total stab in the dark)
    4. 208
    5. Montenegro


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