
Wednesday 15 June 2011

The Daily Teaser: 15-6-11

Hmmm …

Well, I never …

Did you ever listen to the Shipping Forecasts on Radio 4 … ?

No … ?

I have, occasionallyª.

In fact, I might just start listening, again.

I’ve been find sleeping difficult, recently: and, like many people in the UK, Radio 4’s shipping forecast — on so late at night — is hypnotic enough to help me nod off.

Why … ?

I don’t actually know.

But …

Well, I’d say have a listen to Sailing By, the tune that Radio Four’s used as accompaniment to the forecast for years, see what you think.

But I do know the reason I’m burbling on about it … ?

Is the fact it’s been inspiring people …

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, let’s …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: along with feeling flattered to have received a Sidebar mentionº, she also managed to bag 4 out of 6*.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 15th June, 1836, saw which US state admitted to the Union … ?

Q2) 15th June, 1985, saw a painting called Danaë attacked with sulfuric acid. Who was that painting by … ?

Q3) 15th June, 1978, saw King Hussein of Jordan marry Queen Noor: what had been her name, up until then … ?

Q4) 15th June, 1911, saw the founding of what was to become IBM: under what name?

Q5) And finally … 15th June, 1954 saw the founding of European footballing organisation, UEFA: what does UEFA stand for … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 14th June, 1872, saw Canada legalise what … ?
A1) Trade unions.

Q2) 14th June, 1946, saw the birth of US businessman, and TV star, Donald Trump: who’s the central Judge on the UK version of his show, The Apprentice?
Q2) Sir Alan Sugar.

Q3) 14th June saw Richard 2nd met the leaders of the Peasants Revolt, in Blackheath. but in which year … ?
A3) 1381.

Q4) More to the point, in which Essex town — town, not village — did one of the triggering incidents take place … ?
A4) Brentwood. (It’s my home town)

Q5) 14th June, 1822, saw who propose the Difference Engine to the Royal Society?
A5) Charles Babbage.

Q6) And finally … 14th June, 1936, saw the birth of Renaldo “Obie” Benson: with which US band did he find fame … ?
A6) The Four Tops.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll leave you with a tune …

* Brentwood is one of the answers, Debbi: it’s my home town. (One of the other towns — where the Kent end of the Peasant’s Revolt kicked off — was Erith: not too far from where I was born … )

º Hmmm … We’ll have to see if we can’t wangle you membership of the Order of the Cloaked Dagger …

ª It’s just got a mention on the BBC News channel, so you know. I’ve changed channels, incidentally: and am watching Hidden Histories, on Yesterday. Fascinating piece on recently discovered ruined castles, near a certain Welsh … Village

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