
Sunday 19 June 2011

The Daily Teaser: 19-6-11

Hmmm …

I’ve gotta admit, I’ve got the short version of Click the BBC News channel’s technology show — on in the background.

They’re doing a brief review of one of the new Google Chromebooks.

It’s nice looking.

But there ARE flaws.

There always is, with a new piece of technology.

And I don’t know about you ?

But I’m still not convinced about storing everything — and I do mean everything — on the proverbial cloud.

Especially given the amount of hack attacks similar to the one on Sony and Nintendo, recently …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — bless ’er … ! — putting in her answers: and bagging five out of five.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 19th June, 1978, saw which cartoon character make his first appearance … ?

Q2) 19th June, 1990, saw the initial signing of the Indigenous and Tribal People’s Convention: which European country was the first to sign it … ?

Q3) 19th June, 1974, saw a female resident of Bellevue — in Washington State — become the first person on record to have been saved by what … ?

Q4) Many Afro-American’s celebrate 19th June as Juneteenth, or Emancipation Day, commemorating the day in 1865, when slaves were freed: in which US state … ?

Q5) And finally … 19th June, 1970, saw who become Prime Minister, after winning a General Election … ?
And here’s yesterdays questions and answers …
Q1) 18th June, 1979, saw the signing of the SALT 2 treaty between the USA and the USSR: what is the SALT acronym short for … ?
A1) Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.

Q2) 18th June, 1767, saw Captain Samuel Wallis sight — and therefore considered to first European to visit — which island … ?
Q2) Tahiti.

Q3) 18th June, 1928, saw the birth of actor, Paul Eddington, CBE: name either of the tv shows in which he played Sir Jim Hacker.
A3) Yes, Minister and Yes Prime Minister.

Q4) 18th June, 1953, saw the abolition of the the monarchy: in which country … ?
A4) Egypt.

Q5) And finally … 18th June, 1901, saw the birth of which Russian Grand Duchess … ?
A5) Anastasia Nikolævna: that Anastasia …
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

After I leave you with some choice political analysis, from the Department of Administrative Affairs … !


  1. Good Day!!!
    Answerd to Teaser 19th June:
    Q1: Garfield
    Q2: Norway
    Q3: Heimlich Maneuver
    Q4: Texas
    Q5: Edward Heath

  2. 1. Garfield
    2. Norway
    3. the Heimlich Maneuver
    4. Texas
    5. Edward Heath


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