
Wednesday 29 June 2011

The Daily Teaser: 29-6-11

Blimey …

You know, I’ve got to admit, I was watching The Fifth Element, last night.

I’ll try and post more on that, later, but, my word, that was fun … !

Madder than a box of frogs, to quote Kevin D, but definitely fun … !

I’m not sure if it’s more fun than an episode of Pinky and the Brain, but I think I’ll let you know …

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome — putting in her answers. Along with scoring 6 out 7, she also managed to leave a comment about how convincing Pinky’s accent is/was*.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 29th June, 1960, saw the BBC open the BBC Television Centre shepard’s Bush, London: in which London borough is Shepard’s Bush … ?

Q2) 29th June, 1880, saw France annex which small island … ?

Q3) 29th June, 2003, saw the death of actress and icon, Katherine Hepburn: in which film did she famously play Rose Sayer, opposite Humphrey Bogart as Charlie Allnut … ?

Q4) 29th June, 1613, saw which famous theatre burn down … ?

Q5) More to the point, what play was being staged at the time … ?

Q6) And finally … 29th June, 1974, saw which ballet dancer defect to Canada … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 28th June, 1914, saw the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the event that kick-started World War 1: where was he an archduke of … ?
A1) Austria.

Q2) In which city WAS the Archduke, when he was shot … ?
Q2) Sarajevo.

Q3) In which modern country is that city … ?
A3) Bosnia and Herzegovina: or Bosnia-Herzegovina, or just Bosnia, if you’re that way inclined.

Q4) 28th June, 1919, saw the formal end of World War One, with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles: name any of the main allied powers who were signatories to the treaty.
A4) British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, and the United States.

Q5) Moving on … 28th June, 1948, saw the Cominform expel Yugoslavia from the Eastern Bloc communist nations: what was COMINFORM short for … ?
A5) The Communist Information Bureau: or Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties.

Q6) 28th June, 1935, saw the birth of the extremely camp English actor, John Inman: in which sitcom did he famously find fame … ?
A6) Are You Being Served?

Q7) And finally … 28th June, 1991, saw Margaret Thatcher announce she was to step down as an MP, at the next general election: what was the constituency she represented at the time … ?
A7) Finchley, abolished in 1997.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch after I’ve left you in the capable hands of a pair of genetically spliced mice. Genetically spliced mice who are doing the Hippy Trail, in this episodeª.

* Trust me, it’s convincing, Debbi. No, really. Actually, no, you’re right, Debbi, Dick van Dyke’s in Mary was better: I mean, you can hear what it’s supposed to be.

ª Funny how synchronicity works, isn’t it, Debbi? First Pinky and the Brain episode to turn up in a YouTube search … ? Sees them meeting some musicians …


  1. Paul, Last time I tried this I got 1 out of 5. That won't happen again because you have six questions!
    Q1) 29th June, 1960, saw the BBC open the BBC Television Centre shepard’s Bush, London: in which London borough is Shepard’s Bush … ?
    Q2) 29th June, 1880, saw France annex which small island … ?
    Q3) 29th June, 2003, saw the death of actress and icon, Katherine Hepburn: in which film did she famously play Rose Sayer, opposite Humphrey Bogart as Charlie Allnut … ?
    African Queen
    Q4) 29th June, 1613, saw which famous theatre burn down … ?
    The Globe
    Q5) More to the point, what play was being staged at the time … ?
    measure for measure
    Q6) And finally … 29th June, 1974, saw which ballet dancer defect to Canada … ?
    Regards Tim (madcom)

  2. OMG! That cartoon was hilarious! That's a keeper. :)

    1. Hammersmith and Fulham
    2. Tahiti
    3. The African Queen
    4. The Globe
    5. Henry VIII
    6. Baryshnikov


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