
Friday 10 June 2011

Up In the Clouds: Just how secure IS that … ?

Hmmm …

Now, I’ve GOT to admit that I’m an Apple fan.

Or Mac fan, I should maybe add.

You’d possibly noticed, hadn’t you … ?

But at any rate, like many of my fellow Apple watchers, I saw — with interest — Apple’s announce of both the upcoming new version of OS X — codenamed Lion — and it’s new cloud service, iCloud.

The trouble the whole cloud thing, though … ?

I mean from where I’m sitting … ?

Well, do you remember the Sony hack attacks, recently?

When Sony had to take down it’s Playstation Network, and start issuing warnings about one or two of their other networks.

On top of that … ?

Nintendo’s ALSO seen an attack on its servers.

And today … ?

Lulz Security, who carried out the Nintendo attack, announced that the NHS computer systems are extremely vulnerable.

And on top of THAT … ?

Today’s seen game company, Codemasters have a lot of personal details lifted.

I’ve got to wonder if, from a security standpoint … ?

Is any kind of cloud service sensible … ?

OK, granted Apple are seen to have a good track record in this sort of area.

But … … … …

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