
Friday 10 June 2011

The Daily Teaser: 10-6-11

Hmmm …

You know, I think I’m going to HAVE to make sure I use a smaller file size … !

You see, when I put together the video for today’s Teaser, I used Pages to write the Teaser, itself.

And Keynote to do the basic slideshow that I could then turn into the basic audioless video. That I could then add sound to with iMovie.

Trouble is … ?

The trouble is that, when I did the slide show I thought “I’ll go for impressively large … ” and did the slideshow as a 1080i size set of slides.

The net result … ?

Is that the results look great.

But didn’t half take its dear sweet time, uploading to YouTube … !

Deary, deary, me … !

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi, bless ’er, putting in her answers: and, along with admitting she’d finally caught up — and been impressed by — episode 7 of Dr Who*, she also managed to score 5 out of 5.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 10th June, 1973, saw the kidnapping of which member of the Getty family … ?

Q2) 10th June, 1910, saw the birth of influential bluesman, Chester Arthur Burnett: how was he better known … ?

Q3) 10th June, 1805, saw the formal end of the First Barbary War: between the US and where … ?

Q4) 10th June, 1719, saw the last close encounter between British and foreign troops on mainland British soil: at which battle … ?

Q5) Which European country’s troops were involved in that battle … ?

Q6) And finally … 10th June, 1949, saw which Swedish car company produce its first car … ?
Here’s yesterday’s Teaser …
Q1) 9th June, 1873, saw which London building burn down 16 days after it opened … ?
A1) Alexandra Palace.

Q2) More to the point, which TV company broadcast from the building, in 1936.
Q2) The BBC.

Q3) 9th June, 1975, saw live broadcast begin from the House of Commons: who was the first minister to be broadcast from the House … ?
A3) Tony Benn.

Q4) More to the point, that minister was minister for what … ?
A4) Industry.

Q5) Whilst we’re being political, 9th June, 1983, saw Margaret Thatcher lead her party to its second general election victory: who’s that party’s current leader … ?
A5) David Cameron. (Spit … !)

Q6) And finally … 9th June, 1995, saw Andrew Richards become the first man in the UK gaoled for raping who: a man, a woman or a child … ?
A6) A man.
And here, as ever, is the Friday question set for pub quiz-masters, covered by the Creative Commons License
Online 107.


Q1) In which decade did Mountain biking become an Olympic event
A1) 1990s

Q2) Which was the first country to give women the vote?
Q2) New Zealand.

Q3) Quarter, quell, quote - which of these words is made from letters on the top row of a keyboard?
A3) Quote.

Q4) In which country would you watch Polonia play a home soccer match?
A4) Poland.

Q5) In the Bible what is the name of John the Baptist’s mother?
A5) Elizabeth.

Q6) Which country did Martina Hingis represent when she first won Wimbledon?
A6) Switzerland.

Q7) Collectively, Bobby Farrell, Marcia Barrett, Liz Mitchell and Maisie Williams were better known as which 70s band?
A7) Boney M.

Q8) What does the Archbishop of York Sign himself as?
A8) Ebor.

Q9) Burt Reynolds was born in which American state?
A9) Georgia.

Q10) How is vichyssoise soup usually served?
A10) Cold.


Q11) Mark Hamill, better known as Luke Skywalker, in Star Wars had his first TV appearance in which American sitcom?
A11) The Cosby Show.

Q12) What would Linda Barker design on tv, interiors or exteriors?
A12) Interiors.

Q13) Peter Amory has played which member of the Tate family, in Emmerdale since 1989?
A13) Chris Tate.

Q14) Lynda Bellingham found fame advertising which brand of gravy?
A14) Oxo.

Q15) Which role was played by Catherine Zeta Jones, in The Darling Buds of May?
A15) Mariette.

Q16) The Offer was the pilot episode of which scrapped 60s sitcom?
A16) Steptoe and Son.

Q17) On This Morning Denise Robertson does what, cook, review the soaps or act as agony aunt?
A17) Act as agony Aunt.

Q18) Which comedian created the comedy character, Alan Partridge?
A18) Steve Coogan.

Q19) Who presents ITV’s The South Bank Show Jeremy Paxman, Jeremy Speke, Melvin Bragg or Billy Bragg?
A19) Melvin Bragg.

Q20) John Craven was the original presenter of which children’s news show?
A20) Newsround.


Q21) The dove is a member of which bird family?
A21) The pigeon family.

Q22) What is the largest land mammal?
A22) The elephant.

Q23) What sort of feet do antelopes have?
A23) Hooves.

Q24) A caribou is a type of what, reindeer or lizard?
A24) Reindeer.

Q25) What is a rhododendron?
A25) A plant.

Q26) What is a Scots pine?
A26) A tree.

Q27) What is a Lynx?
A27) A cat.

Q28) What do herbivores eat, plants, meat or both?
A28) Plants.

Q29) Where is a horse’s muzzle?
A29) Its head: it’s its nose.

Q30) How many nostril’s does a dog have?
A30) Two.


Q31) Kim Philby found notoriety as a what?
A31) A spy.

Q32) Which lord sat in the House of Commons as Quintin Hogg?
A32) Lord Hailsham.

Q33) Which famous American author died in 2007, Sidney Sheldon or Kurt Vonnegt?
A33) Both of them … !

Q34) Marlene Dietrich was born in which country?
A34) Germany.

Q35) The late Douglas Adams wrote about The Hitchhikers Guide to … where?
A35) The Galaxy.

Q36) What did Sir Paul McCartney’s first wife die of?
A36) Breast cancer.

Q37) What form of fiction did Roald Dahl first write, war stories, children’s stories or spy fiction?
A37) War stories.

Q38) The late classical instrumentalist, Jacqueline du Pré played which musical instrument?
A38) Cello.

Q39) Which assassinated former US president was the first Catholic to hold the office?
A39) John F. Kennedy.

Q40) Who was the first member of the Monty Python team to die?
A40) Graham Chapman.


Q41) Who’s the main character in the Angelina Jolie films, Tomb Raider?
A41) Lara Croft.

Q42) What sort of farm features in Chicken Run?
A42) An egg farm.

Q43) In that same film, which Absolutely Fabulous star provided the voice of Ginger? (We want the name of the actress, not her character)
A43) Julia Sawalha.

Q44) Which thriller film starred Hugh Jackman as a hacker, and John Travolta as a terrorist officer?
A44) Swordfish.

Q45) In Meet the Parents which animal is Robert DeNiro’s character fond of?
A45) Cats.

Q46) Who provided the voice of Shrek?
A46) Michael Myers.

Q47) In the film Captain Corelli’s Mandolin what is the profession of John Hurt’s character?
A47) Doctor.

Q48) Which English actor played Erin Brockovitch’s boss, in the film Erin Brockovitch?
A48) Albert Finney.

Q49) Which Michael Douglas film was all about the drugs trade?
A49) Traffic.

Q50) Leonardo DiCaprio film, Blood Diamond is set on which continent … ??
A50) Africa.


Q51) What type of Schoolboy appears in the title of a John Le Carre novel?
A51) Honourable.

Q52) Cleve Hill is the highest point of which part of England?
A52) The Cotswolds.

Q53) Which song begins, “I see trees of green, red roses too”?
A53) What A Wonderful World

Q54) True or False: Barry Sheene was the first person to be a world champion on two and four wheels?
A54) False. It was John Surtees

Q55) In which country did the Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky die?
A55) Mexico.

Q56) In 1919 the Curzon Line divided Poland on the basis of what: language, ethnicity or income?
A56) Language

Q57) What was founded following the Dumbarton Oaks Conference of the 1940s?
A57) The United Nations.

Q58) Who did Cassius Clay beat when he first became world heavyweight champion?
A58) Sonny Liston.

Q59) Who first took Led Zeppelin song, Stairway to Heaven into the charts, the Far Corporation, Rolf Harris or Iron Maiden?
A59) The Far Corporation.

Q60) How many chapters are there in the Book of Genesis?
A60) 50.

Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later.

After leaving you with a few words from Commander Strax …

* Actually, Debbi: I know Grub’s left a comment on the relevant post over at the blog we co-author. Think he wasn’t too stunned by the middle act …

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to check out Grub's thoughts after I answer the questions.

    BTW, this reminded me of a TV show I like.

    "A5) David Cameron. (Spit … !)"

    Ever watch the show Corner Gas? Or hear of a town called Woolerton? (Spit ... !) :)

    1. John Paul Getty III
    2. Howlin' Wolf
    3. the Barbary States
    4. the Battle of Glen Shiel
    5. Britain and Spain
    6. Saab


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