
Sunday 26 June 2011

Well, FINALLY: The TAX form … !

Ok, Ok, it’s another funny picture of my nephew, Jude.

I make no apology.

Well … He’s me nephew, what CAN I tell you … ?

Apart from “Lets get moving on with the post” … ?

Yes …

Lets …


Now, you probably remember me complaining, a few weeks ago, now, that I’d not received either a final payslip, or a P45 from my previous employers.

Well, there was one bit of good news, last Monday.

CeX finally managed to get a replacement final payslip to me.

Which I promptly took down to the local benefits office, complete with an explanation of what was going on, that CeX Brentwood hadn’t supplied me with a P45, and that I didn’t think they would.

The benefits people … ?

Told me to phone back on Friday: they’d be able to let me know what was going on.

Which is exactly what I did.

Thankfully … ?

I’ve been put on full benefits: which, while it’s not much, it does — with careful budgeting* — mean I can survive more easily.

Not only that, but I’m also due some backdated benefits: something I’m grateful for as it means I can settle some outstanding bills and arrears.

Not to put too fine a point on things, but finances have been getting seriously tough: I’m just grateful for the help I’ve had from both friends and family.


There’s just one irony, though …

Just one.

You see, not long AFTER making the initial phone call to the Department of Work and Pensionsº about whether or not I’d be getting anything from them, I got a call from Brentwood CeX.

Guess what … ?

A week after I’d got the final payslip, and some three months after I’d been given the boot … ?

The P45 had turned up.

You know, there’s possibly a lot of very cynical — and very vernacular — comments I could make, here.

ESPECIALLY in light of two facts.

Firstly … ?

It had turned up after a HELL of a lot of badgering, on my part.

Secondly … ?

It was a photocopy


Wouldn’t you know it … ?

Actually, you possibly would: or at least, you’d be taking a good guess … !

But, at ANY rate, I headed BACK to the local benefits office, after heading into town to pick the form up.

AND visit Brentwood Library to scan the various parts into digital formª: just to make sure I’ve got a copy …

And just when I got to the benefit office in Brentwood, to see whether it was still worth my while, sending it in … ?

Is when I got the phone-call from their Basildon branch, to tell me the benefit — and the backlog — had gone through.

Wouldn’t you bloody well know it … ?

* Something I’m sure most of my ex-girlfriends will tell you I’m not good at …

º The government department that handle pensions and the various benefits here in the UK.

ª My multi-function printer/scanner/copier bit the dust a long time ago: although I MAY just dig it out of the attic‡ to see if the scanner functions still work.

OK, I live in a flat. It’s a metaphorical attic, that’s physically located in the same place as my fuse box. In the airing cupboard.

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