
Monday 27 June 2011

The Daily Teaser: 27-6-11

You know, I’ve got to admit, I was actually up nice and — comparatively — early, today.

Or, at least, early for me.

Strangely … ?

Strangely enough with a song going through my head: I think most of us get that, at some point.

Here’s the really weird bit, though.

I woke up with the Teletubbies theme tune bouncing around my head.

Yeah …

Definitely odd.

Saying that … ?

Saying that, I think it could have been worse.

No, really.

It could’ve been the theme to In the Night Garden.

Which is seriously strange

Lets move on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — bless her — putting in her answers. And, along with bagging 5 out of 5, she also managed to say a few words about the late Peter Falk*.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 27th June, 1991, saw Yugoslavian troops march into which newly independent small nation … ?

Q2) 27th June, 1957, saw the publication of a report by the UK’s Medical Research Council: this report showed a connection between smoking … and what … ?

Q3) 27th June, 1899, saw thirteen year-old schoolboy cricketer, A. E. J. Collins score the worlds highest ever recorded cricket score: what was it … ?

Q4) 27th June, 1880, saw the birth of which noted deaf-blind activist … ?

Q5) And finally … 27th June, 1898, saw who complete the first solo circumnavigation of the globe … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 26th June saw the signing of the original United Nations Charter: in which year … ?
A1) 1945.

Q2) More to the point, in which US state … ?
Q2) California. San Francisco, to be exact.

Q3) In the opening line of the Charter, it says that the peoples of the UN will try and save succeeding generations from the scourge of what … ?
A3) War … ! (I’m going to AVOID singing the Edwin Starr song. But can I put in a cynical “That seemed to work …” ?)

Q4) 26th June, 1948, saw the Western Allies begin an airlift to which German city … ?
A4) Berlin.

Q5) Who — apocryphally — claimed to be a doughnut, on a visit to that city on 26th June, 1963.
A5) President John F. Kennedy.

Q6) And finally … 26th June, 1960, saw which island nation gain independence from France … ?
A6) Madagascar.
Enjoy those, everyone: time for tubby bye-byes.

* Far better than mine, I think … !


  1. Good Day!
    Answers for Todays Teaser (27th June)
    Q1. Slovenia
    Q2. Lung Cancer
    Q3. 628 (not out)
    Q4. Helen Keller
    Q5. Joshua Slocum

    Oh and by the way... I LOVE Teletubbies!!!! I could think of worse things to wake up too... like Sponge Bob foe example! :)

  2. Thanks for your kind words about my post on Peter Falk. A few people said it was a fitting tribute. Funny how I simply wrote exactly what I was thinking, and it seemed to make people feel exactly how I felt.

    1. Slovenia
    2. lung cancer
    3. 628
    4. Helen Keller
    5. Joshua Slocum


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