
Tuesday 12 July 2011

The Daily Teaser: 12-7-11

Hmmm …

Well, there’s a thing … !

Did I tell you I’ve got a vintage Mac Performa 6400/200, sitting in the front room … ?

The ageing piece of kit is a conversation piece, really: but DOES have a purpose.

It’s my spare stereo.

Just in case I fancy giving some of the few tunes I’ve STILL got on CD a bit of serious welly.

And I mean serious welly.

I really couldn’t tell you any of the technical details. But the Performa does have quite a bit of volume to it. To the point where the neighbours frequently complain about it.

Hmmm …

You know, I’m halfway tempted to seriously turn up the volume, actually, they were having a bit of a party, last night … !

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I start telling you about the rest of the neighbours …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi, bless he, putting her answers: along with contemplating what the plural of TARDIS* is, she also managed to bag 6 out of 6.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 12th July is a major — and extremely controversial — parade day for which Northern Irish community?

Q2) 12th July, 1990, saw who resign from the Soviet Communist Party … ?

Q3) 12th July, 1979, saw Kiribati become independent of Great Britain. Is Kiribati in the Pacific, Atlantic or Indian Ocean … ?

Q4) 12th July, 1962, saw which band perform its first gig … ?

Q5) More to the point, at which club … ?

Q6) And finally … 12th July, 1974, saw the manager of Liverpool retire: who was he … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 11th July, 1864, saw the Battle of Fort Stevens, in which Confederate troops attempted to invade where … ?
A1) Washington DC.

Q2) 11th July, 2000, saw the announcement of a trials of a vaccine against what, announced … ?
Q2) HIV.

Q3) 11th July, 1960, saw the first publication of To Kill A Mockingbird: in which (fictional) Alabama town is the book set … ?
A3) Maycomb.

Q4) More to the point, what was the name of the author … ?
A4) Harper Lee.

Q5) 11th July, 1796, saw the US take possession of which city … ?
A5) Detroit.

Q6) And finally … 11th July, 1987, saw veterans gather on the 70th anniversary of which World War 1 battle … ?
A6) The Third Battle of Ypres: otherwise known as Passchendæle.
Enjoy those, everyone. I’ll catch you later: after I’ve left you with a tune from the late Minnie Ripperton … And a little something from the vaults …

* I’m possibly thinking TARDIS is a possibility, here, Debbi: pretty much along the lines of SAMURAI, GEISHA … and SHEEP … And you notice all this is before anyone’s mentioned Jammie Dodgers, Happy Faces or Oreo Cakesters …

1 comment:

  1. Jammie Dodgers, Happy Faces or Oreo Cakesters …

    Hmmm ... it's 10:30 p.m. my time, and suddenly, I'm feeling a bit peckish. :) Perhaps a late night snack is in order.

    1. Belfast
    2. Yeltsin
    3. Pacific
    4. The Rolling Stones
    5. the Marquee Club
    6. Bill Shankly


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