
Saturday 16 July 2011

The Daily Teaser: 16-6-11

Hmmm …

Looks like News Corp and its UK subsidiary, News International, are in serious trouble.

Because, along with Rebekeh Brooks’ resignation, yesterday, it also saw Fred Hinton, the chap that runs Dow Jones for him — over in the US — hand in his.

Hmmm …

Tempting to ask who’s going to be next, isn’t it … ?

The mildly ironic part is that, in between headlines about News International, or News Corp, or Rebekeh Brooks, or the Murdoch family, BBC News 24 has just done a traffic report.

For Los Angeles.

Hmmm …

Debbi, can you give Kaiju a quick tweet … ?

He may want to stay off the road, as Highway 405’s going to be closed: it looks the highways of LA are going be worse than the M25

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Before we Chris Rea turns up …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi, bless her, putting her answers: along with being rather flattering about the Bastille Day colour scheme, she also managed to score 5 out of 6.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with todays questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 16th July, 622 AD, marks the start of the Islamic Calendar, which commemorates the Prophets flight from Mecca to Medina: what’s the traditional term for this flight … ?*

Q2) 16th July, 1931, saw Emperor Haile Salassie sign Ethiopia’s first what … ?

Q3) 16th July, 1809, saw the city of La Paz declare its independence from the Spanish crown: in which modern South American country is La Paz … ?

Q4) 16th July, saw Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Bailey close their last tented circus, due to changing economic circumstances: but in which year … ?

Q5) And finally … 16th July, 1821, saw the birth of religious leader, Mary Baker Eddy: which religion did she found … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) Today is — of course — Saint Swithin’s Day: according to the old superstition, how long will it rain for, if it rains todays?
A1) 40 days.

Q2) Saint Swithin is the patron saint of Winchester … and which South London district … ?
Q2) Southwark.

Q3) 15th July, 2003, saw Time Warner disband Netscape Communications Corporation: which charitable foundation replaced it … ?
A3) Mozilla Organization: or Mozilla Foundation, if you’re feeling picky.

Q4) 15th July 1799, saw the Rosetta Stone found in Egypt: name any of the three scripts found on the Rosetta Stone.
A4) Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Demotic and Ancient Greek.

Q5) More to the point, which country’s expeditionary force found that stone, whilst in Egypt … ?
A5) France.

Q6) And finally … 15th July, 1815, saw the end of the Napoleonic Wars: when the Emperor Napoleon surrendered on board which ship … ?
A6) The HMS Bellerophon.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !

But leave you with a tune …

* Today is — if I’ve got my facts straight — 28/29 Rajab, 1432 AH. That’s if I have got me facts right!

1 comment:

  1. I think Kaiju probably knows already. #Carmaggedon (used in tweets about the 450 closure) has been a popular hashtag lately. :)

    1. the Hegira
    2. constitution
    3. Bolivia
    4. 1956
    5. Christian Science


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