
Sunday 17 July 2011

The Daily Teaser: 17-7-11

Hmmm …

You know, I’ve got to be frank, I’ve got Yesterday on, in the background.

There’s e rather interesting documentary on, about the hunting of John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Abraham Lincoln.

Fascinating stuff.

What gets me, though … ?

Is the adverts.

Oh, I’ve no actual problems with adverts.

And usually don’t begrudge watching them.

It’s just the recent Vimto ad …

Just seems a bit out of place.

Or, at least, a touch out of place on a channel that’s basically educational … !

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — bless her — putting in her answers. Along with bagging 5 out of 5, she also managed to #Carmaggedon a mention.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 17th July, 1917, saw the death of Tsar Nicholas 2nd of Russia, along with his family: what was the family name … ?

Q2) More to the point, on the orders of which political party … ?

Q3) In which city was the Tsar and his family killed … ?

Q4) Moving on … 17th July, 1998, saw the adoption — by diplomatic conference — of the International Criminal Court. This courts prosecutes, Crimes Against Humanity, Crimes of Aggression, War Crimes … and which form of murder?

Q5) And finally … 17th July, 1976, saw the start of the Montreal Summer Olympics: how many African nations boycotted these Games … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 16th July, 622 AD, marks the start of the Islamic Calendar, which commemorates the Prophets flight from Mecca to Medina: what’s the traditional term for this flight … ?
A1) The Hijra: or هِجْرَة, if you’re an Arabic speaker.

Q2) 16th July, 1931, saw Emperor Haile Salassie sign Ethiopia’s first what … ?
Q2) Constitution.

Q3) 16th July, 1809, saw the city of La Paz declare its independence from the Spanish crown: in which modern South American country is La Paz … ?
A3) Bolivia.

Q4) 16th July, saw Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Bailey close their last tented circus, due to changing economic circumstances: but in which year … ?
A4) 1956.

Q5) And finally … 16th July, 1821, saw the birth of religious leader, Mary Baker Eddy: which religion did she found … ?
A5) Christian Science.
Enjoy those, everyone, I’ll catch you later.

Once I’ve finished oggling the Cambridge Nuts

1 comment:

  1. 1. Romanov (or Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov)
    2. the Bolsheviks
    3. Yekaterinburg
    4. genocide
    5. sources vary, but at least 22; this one specifies 25, with 4 more joining after the Olympics started (Source:


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