
Saturday 2 July 2011

The Daily Teaser: 2-7-11

Hmmm …

You know, I’ve got to admit, I’ve got the BBC News channel on in the background, at the moment.

And the presenter’s have just done the morning paper review: something that I occasionally find interesting to watch.

The thing dominant piece in some of the papers … ?

Seems to be the various legal proceedings against former IMF chief, Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

Hmmm …

Now, personally … ?

I personally think rape charges are some of the more serious on the books: and personally believe that those against Wikileaks head, Julian Assange, were somewhat iffy, given the situation.

Those against Strauss-Kahn, though … ?

I really couldn’t tell you.

The fact that the case seems to be so widely reported … ?

To me, personally, that seems very odd: don’t forget, here in the UK, there’s a legal concept called sub judice: which seriously restricts the reporting of an active case.

So the amount of coverage it’s getting, even given the fame of the defendant … ?

Lets just say that’s slightly strange, and disturbing to me.

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

BEFORE I start on Andy Murray … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — who I think may have a thing or two to say about sub judice — putting in her answers. Along with bagging 7 out of 7, she also wished me well on the smoking front, and managed to offer us a translation of Hong Kong.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 2nd July saw Amelia Earhart and her navigator disappear: in which year … ?

Q2) What was the name of her (male) navigator?

Q3) Over which ocean were they, when their last message was heard?

Q4) Moving on … 2nd July, 1993 saw the death of actor, Fred Gwynne: which member of the Munster family did he play … ?

Q5) July 2nd, 2005, was the day of the Live8 series of global charity concerts: who — along with Bono — opened the London gig?

Q6) 2nd July, 1698, saw Thomas Savery granted a patent for an early form of what … ?

Q7) And finally … 2nd July, 1777, saw Vermont become the first US state to abolish … what … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) At midnight on the 1st of July, Britain handed what back to China … ?
A1) Hong Kong.

Q2) More to the point, in which year was this … ?
Q2) 1997.

Q3) What does this region’s name translate into English as … ?
A3) Fragrant Harbour.

Q4) Name either of the official languages in that part of China.
A4) English and Cantonese Chinese.

Q5) Moving on … 1st July, 1908, saw SOS internationally adopted as a Distress signal: what French phrase was adopted as its spoken equivalent in 1927 … ?
A5) Mayday: or M’aidez in the original French.

Q6) 1st July, 2004, saw the Cassini-Huygens probe arrive at which planet … ?
A6) Saturn.

Q7) 1st July, 1991, saw the official dissolving of which pact … ?
A7) The Warsaw Pact.
Q8) And finally … 1st July, 2007, saw what banned in indoor public spaces in England … ?
A8) Smoking.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

1 comment:

  1. 1. The year of the desert island rat.
    2. Future Dead Guy.
    3. Indian Ocean?
    4. Herman
    5. Elton John?
    6. The internet
    7. Stinky cheese from smelly cows

    Okay, it's obvious I do NOT cheat and Google my answers!


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