
Thursday 21 July 2011

The Daily Teaser: 21-7-11

WHOAH, there, cowboy … !


You’ve probably worked out, by now, that I’m something of a Mac fan, haven’t you.

You should’ve done.

And, along with that, you’ve probably realised I’m a skint one.

Part of that mean’s I’ve not been to upgrade to Mac OS X 10•7 Lion: something I’d not mind doing, whilst being very aware that Bruce, my ageing Mac Mini, really wouldn’t be able to take the pace, bless ’im … !

Well, I’m also going to admit, I’ve got Apple’s news feed hooked up to my usual RSS reader.

Apple’s just released the updated version of the Mini.

And as you can see … ?

They’ve managed to reduce the price of the base model … by taking out the optical drive … !

Which sounds mad … ’til you remember that when Apple introduced the original iMac in 1998, they were the first computers to ship without a floppy disc drive: something that saw Apple accused of being bonkers. 13 years later, of course …

Well …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome — putting her answers: along with bagging 5 out of 6, she was very flattering about my technical ability*, and managed to mention the review she and other’s had got for Shaken.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 21st July, 1545, saw France try — for the last time — invade where … ?

Q2) 21st July, 1983, saw the world’s lowest recorded temperature, of -89.2º C: on which continent?

Q3) 21st July, 1959, saw the Boston Red Sox become the last US team to hire an Afro-American player: who was the player?

Q4) More to the point, in which sport … ?

Q5) 21st July, 1982, saw the flagship of the British forces in the Falklands return to Portsmouth. What was it’s name … ?

Q6) And FINALLY … 21st July, 1951, saw the birth of actor and comedian, Robin Williams: in which series did he first play Mork … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 20th July, 1969, saw humanity first land on the Moon: at which time, UTC … ?
A1) 20:17. (Roughly equivalent to 20:17 GMT. The main difference is that GMT isn’t as precise with thousandths of a second.)

Q2) 20th July, 1928, saw the government of which country order Romani to settle in one part of the country … ?
Q2) Hungary.

Q3) 20th July, 1975, saw journalists from The Times, The Daily Telegraph and Newsweek expelled from which country … ?
A3) India.

Q4) 20th July, 1944, saw the US Congress approve the Bretton Woods Agreement. This help set up what: the I. M. F, the U. N. H. C. R, or the W. H. O … ?
A4) The IMF.

Q5) 20th July, 1960, saw Sirimavo Bandaranaike become the first female Prime Minister of Sri Lanka: what does Sri Lanka translate into English as … ?
A5) Resplendent Land.

Q6) And finally … 20th July, 1975, saw the death of actor and martial artist, Li Jun Fan. How was he better known … ?
A6) Bruce Lee.
Enjoy those, everyone: now, if you’ll excuse me … ? I’m going to slobber at some technical specs … !

* It’s really not that impressive, Debbi, honestly: I just know how to do the stuff I know how to do. And using Keynote’s Export to Movie function’s aren’t that much using different to using MS Word’s Save As … function …

1 comment:

  1. The fact that you know the technique, even if it's simple, gives you a leg up on me. Just sayin'. :)

    1. England
    2. Antarctica
    3. there were two players: Pumpsie Green and Ozzie Virgil
    4. major league baseball
    5. HMS Hermes
    6. Mork and Mindy


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