Oh, blimey, that’s what’s happening.
I’m going to be frank, here, and admit I’ve got the BBC channel news on, at the moment.
Who are covering the news of the bomb/gun attacks in Oslo.
Which were originally being described as terrorist attacks — understandably, although no-one was sure of by whom, or on what basis — but seem to have been put together by a Lone Gunman.
And one that Norwegian police are speculating is linked to an extreme neo-nazi group.
Lets get moving on, shall we … ?
Yes, lets …
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi, bless her, putting in her answers: and, along with letting me know she didn’t know ice-hockey players could kick the puck*, she also scored five out of five.
Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 23rd July, 1903, saw which car-company sell its first car … ?
Q2) 23rd July, 1984, saw a government report state that a cluster deaths in Cumbria were not linked to which nuclear plant?
Q3) 23rd July, 1995, saw the discovery of which comet … ?
Q4) That comet became visible to the naked eye in May of which year … ?
Q5) 23rd July, 1952, saw the founding of the European Coal and Steel Community: name any of the six founder members.
Q6) And finally … 23rd July, 1974, saw the collapse of the military government in which European country … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 22nd July, 1099, saw who named as Defender of the Holy Sepulchre, in Jerusalem … ?
A1) Godfrey of Bouillon.
Q2) 22nd July, 1987 death the death of cartoonist, Naji Salim al-Ali, outside his home in which part of London … ?
Q2) Chelsea.
Q3) More to the point, what nationality was he … ?
A3) Palestinian.
Q4) 22nd July, 1934, saw the death — at FBI hands — of bank-robber, John Dillinger. Who played Agent Melvin Purvis, opposite Johnny Depp’s Dillinger, in the 2009 film, Public Enemies?
A4) Christian Bale.
Q5) And finally … 22nd July, 1933, saw who complete the first solo ’round-the-world flight … ?
A5) Wiley Post.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …
After leaving you with possibly one of the better known guitar riffs going: after all, it is Slash’s birthday, today …
* Neither did I, Debbi, although — given I’ve now got something of an international audience for the 60-question-set, which were originally design for a largely British audience — I’m going to have to double check that one. Sports fans are a funny bunch, I’ve noticed: and if ice-hockey fans are anything like football fansº, here in the UK, they’ll be much more aware — and accurate about — of the rules than me.
º Or, indeed Dr Who fans: Robert Holmes, who wrote many of what are regarded as some of the finer episodes in the original series, always said fans could surprise him on that front. Especially when they could identify the third monster on the left in an episode broadcast ten years before they were born, and that he’d forgotten about … and written …
1. Ford
ReplyDelete2. Sellafield
3. Hale-Bopp
4. 1996
5. France (I'm giving the minimum number this time, because "I've got blisters on me fingers!" (sorta) LOL
6. Greece