
Saturday 20 August 2011

The Comantra Scam: You mean You Phone at Weekends … ?

Oh …

Dear …


You know, I’ think I’ve got to give whoever it is in Bangladesh that’s been running what I’ve come to call the Comantra Scam — in other words, a phone scam where the scammers attempts to con you into giving them remote access to your PC, and then sell you dodgy software to ‘get rid of any problems’ — credit for persistence!

Because … ?

Well, because I’ve just had another phone call from these guys: only this time, calling themselves the ‘Windows Defence Department’.

Deary, deary me …

And I’ll be honest … ?

I’m thinking their working their way through the phone book.

Because it ALSO turns out my mother had a call, this morning, as well … !

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