
Sunday 21 August 2011

The Daily Teaser — 21-8-2011

You know, I’ve got admit, I’ve actually got up half an hour later than usual, today.

Personally … ?

I’m blaming Bill Gates.

Well …

Notorious Mac fan-boi, and all that.

Well …

Actually, no, I’l be even MORE honest, I actually got an awful night’s sleep, last night.

Don’t you just HATE having a cold … ? I was going through Lemsips like nobody’s business, I really was: and learning to hate the bloody things as a result, but at least it cleared up the congestion enough to get sleeping … !

At half two in the morning …

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I get to really whinging … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Mr Strict and Debbi putting in their answers: and Debbi pulling 2 points ahead, with 6 out of 6, vs Mr S’s 4 out 6*.

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 21st August, 1770, saw Lt James Cook claim Eastern Australia for Great Britain: what did he name it … ?

Q2) 21st August sees a lunar eclipse take place, in this decade: in which year … ?

Q3) 21st August, 1969, saw Denis Rohan gain infamy, by attempting to burn down which religious building?

Q4) 21st August, 1973, saw an inquest find find who guilty of “sheer unadulterated murder”?

Q5) And finally … 21st August, 1918, saw the start of the Second Battle of where … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 20th August, 1890, saw the birth of horror writer, H. P. Lovecraft: which of his short stories provides the inspiration for the role-playing-game, The Call Of Cthulhu … ?
A1) Funnily enough, The Call Of Cthulhu.

Q2) More to the point, which of his short stories is noted as one of the first appearances of zombies, in literature … ?
Q2) Herbert West: Re-animator. (The original film is possibly the only decent film made of a Lovecraft story: which is odd, because it’s also considered his poorest work.)

Q3) 20th August, 1914, saw German forces occupy which Belgian region … ?
A3) Brussels.

Q4) 20th August, 1920, saw 8MK, the world’s first commercial Radio station, begin its broadcast: in which U. S. city?
A4) Detroit.

Q5) 20th August, 1927, saw the birth of actress Yootha Joyce: in which 70s sit-com did she first find national fame … ?
A5) Man About the House.

Q6) And finally … 20th August, 1953, saw the Soviet Union admit it had tested what … ?
A6) A Hydrogen bomb. (Basically, they poked it with the famous Soviet Space Pen, and said, “Yeah, that’ll do” … )
Enjoy those, everyone: I think I’m going to go back to bed …

* I will give Mr S his due, though, he DID leave a reference. Or video, I should say …

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I hope you feel better soon. :)

    1. York Cape (he also charted New Wales)
    2. 2017 (are you sure you didn't mean solar eclipse?)
    3. the Al-Aqsa mosque
    4. the British Army
    5. Bapaume


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