
Monday 29 August 2011

The Daily Teaser — 29-8-2011

You know, I’ve GOT to admit, yesterday was rather fun!

Well …

Funnish … !

You see, I was off at a family barbecue, down in Kent.

I’ve got to admit, it’s nice to know that my nephew, Jude, definitely likes being piggy-back, for one thing.

Oh …

And I do know it’s nice to find out that that Cousin Dean’s end of the family decided to invest in some SENSIBLE computers.

Who I can’t help but think off as Bruce’s cousin Bruce, for some strange reason …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both PrettyMade saying hello: it ALSO saw Debbi putting her answers, and managing to bag 5 out of 5, and managing to do so just before the power got turned off as Hurricane Irene hit.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 29th August, 1982, saw the first ever synthesis of the chemical element, Meitnerium: what’s it’s atomic number … ?

Q2) More to the point, what’s its chemical symbol … ?

Q3) While we’re being scientific, 29th August, 1965, saw the return of which spacecraft to Earth … ?

Q4) 29th August, 1885, saw Gottlieb Daimler patent the world’s first internal combustion what: motorbike, engine or vacuum cleaner … ?

Q5) 29th August, 1869, saw the opening of the world’s first rack railway: up the side of which mountain … ?

Q6) And finally … 29th August, 1871, saw Emperor Meiji abolish the ancient Japanese Han system. What were the Han … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 28th August, 1898, saw Caleb Bradham invent the drink that later became known as what … ?
A1) Pepsi-Cola.

Q2) 65 years later, 28th August, 1963 saw Dr Martin Luther King make his famous ‘I Have A Dream’ speech: in which city was he, when he made this speech … ?
Q2) Washington D. C.

Q3) 28th August, 1951, saw the birth of which member of the Osmond Brothers … ?
A3) Wayne Osmond.

Q4) 28th August, 1953, saw which country’s TV network start broadcasting … ?
A4) Japan. (The station in question is the Nippon Television Network Corporation: or 日本テレビ放送網株式会社, Nihon Terebi Hōsōmō Kabushiki-gaisha, in Japanese.)

Q5) And finally … 28th August, 2003, saw Prime Minister Tony Blair give evidence to the Hutton Inquiry: about which scientist’s death … ?
A5) Weapons expert, Dr David Kelly.
Enjoy those, everyone. I’ll leave you with today’s uninterrupted — and extremely odd — soundtrack: Diamanda GalásWild Women With Steak Knives.


  1. Ok, here we go, for the first time ever... ;) My answers(nervous shaking included):
    3)Gemini V
    4)What he called a "riding car", two-wheel automobile
    5) Mount Washington?
    6) As you already told us, feudal estate or domain ;)

  2. I did … ?

    BLAST, I did, didn’t I … ?

  3. Actually, the power had come back and I had just enough time to get my answers in, before going to bed. Just for the record. :)

    1. 109
    2. Mt
    3. Gemini V
    4. motorbike
    5. Mount Washington
    6. an estate belonging to a warrior in Japan during the Edo era


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