
Sunday 14 August 2011

An FB Workaround.

You know, I’ve got to ask, what on EARTH is all the fuss about … ?

No, really … ?

You see, what with one thing and another, there’s a lot of talk about online security, and about HTTPS versus HTTP.

Just in case you DIDN’T know, the former is a somewhat more secure version of the latter, and used by both Twitter and Facebook to improve their users online security.

Or partially used by Facebook, I should add.

You see, a lot of the time, when you use many of the games on FB, it’ll ask you if you want to switch off secure browsing.

You have to, in fact, to use the games concerned.

That’s not an out-and-out criticism, I should add: but it IS fiddly.

Especially when you consider that the secure browsing feature isn’t automatically turned back on, once you’ve finished playing the game.

There’s a work around, though.

Or a couple, I should add.

First off … ?

Logging OUT of Facebook, quitting your browser, then re-strarting it, and logging back in.

Those of us using a desktop or laptop can do it the easy way, of course.

Just go to the URL bar at the top of the browser windo. And in-between the ‘http’ and the ‘:’, type the letter ‘s’.

And press ‘Enter’, or the ‘Reload’ key combo.


Wasn’t that easy … ?

I’m just hoping you notice the new Favicon for Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar, while you’re there …

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