
Monday 15 August 2011

The Daily Teaser — 15-8-2011

Hmmm …

You know, I’ve GOT to admit, I was over at me Mum’s, yesterday, having Sunday.

And have to admit, I’ve done a couple of Funnies, with Jude, my nephew, in them.

Think I’ve managed to do one of Grub, as well< but I’ll HOPEFULLY get that posted later, as and when appropriate …

But I’ve also got the news on, at the moment.

And one thing does grab me, or a couple of things, I should say.

I couldn’t help but notice this item get a mention: about how those who’ve been abused as children suffer more from depression.

Having know one or two people who’ve survived seriously nasty childhood’s, I’m not surprised.

But I’ve just seen a politician float past, trying to link that to the riots.

And can’t help but think she’s maybe talking out of her bum …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I have a rant …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw a welcome return for The Old Peculiar’s honourary Writer-In-Residence, Debbiª: and, along with telling us she’d got mildly alarmed about the news of the riots, also managed to bag 6 out of 6*.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 15th August, 1947, saw India become independent of the UK: who was its first PM … ?

Q2) Equally to the point, who served as it’s first Commonwealth Governor-General?

Q3) 15th August, 1914, saw the opening of which waterway … ?

Q4) 15th August, 1483, saw Pope Sixtus 4th consecrate the Sistine Chapel: who famously started work on the ceiling, in 1508 … ?

Q5) 15th August, 1950, saw the Queen — then Princess Elizabeth — give birth to her second child: who was that child … ?

Q6) And finally … 15th August, 1971, saw which emirate gain its independence from Britain … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 14th August, 1885, saw Japan issue it’s first patent: for rust proof paint, in fact. What was Japan’s second patent for … ?
A1) A tea processing machine.

Q2) 14th August, 1980, saw the start of the strikes in a Gdansk what, that were led by Lech Walesa: shipyard, steel-foundry or car factory?
Q2) Shipyard.

Q3) 14th August saw the execution of Rainey Bethea in the last what in the USA … ?
A3) Public hanging.

Q4) More to the point, in which year … ?
A4) 1936.

Q5) 14th August, 1967, saw the passing of the UK’s Marine Broadcasting Act, 1967: what did this outlaw?
A5) Pirate radio stations.

Q6) And finally … 14th August, 1969, saw British troops deployed where … ?
A6) Northern Ireland.
Enjoy those, every one: I’ll catch you later …

* Kaiju, I think both you and Lynn now have a challenge! :D

ª Oh, Debbi, you missed Saturday’s: let me know what you think of the video …

1 comment:

  1. 1. Jawaharlal Nehru
    2. Warren Hastings
    3. Panama Canal
    4. Michelangelo
    5. Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise, the Princess Royal (my sister's birthday, also, albeit several years younger...)
    6. Bahrain

    Gauntlet Time! ;-D


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