
Monday 8 August 2011

Remembering an old friend.

You know …

Hmmm …

You know, I’ve got to admit, it’s not THAT often I blog about some one I’ve known, personally, it really isn’t.

Unless it’s for a film night.

Or after an afternoon, like this one.

You see, I’ve just been to a funeral of an old friend.

Well … I say an old friend.

You see Jen — pictured — was wife of an old friend — called Arthur, who died of a heart attack, back in 2009 — and mother to an old school friend, Debbie, who I’ve known for years.

I’d usually say I’ve been a family friend to all of them for more years than I care to publicly admit to.

I was at Jenª’s funeral, today.

And I’ve got to admit, it was one of the very few funerals I’ve been to that was not just mourning a person’s death — one that was mercifully quick, under the circumstances — but celebrating the life of the person concerned.

And I’ve got admit, I said this to Jen and Arthur’s children, today: my old friend, Debbie, her older sister, Wendi, and her younger brother, Damien.

But I’ll say it, again, here.

I’m going to say “Thank you for asking me along, today.”

I’m grateful to have been a friend of Jen’s*.

And to have know such a wonderful person.

And to have celebrated her life, with her family and friends, today.

With that in mind … ?

Well …

I’ll leave you with the song that closed the ceremony today.

* In the eulogy, Debs, bless her, told us all about how, as a child, her mother had been a keen — seriously keen — roller-skater. Somehow, after knowing Jen and Arthur for many years … ? I’m really not surprised. Nor at the fact that, as soon as Debs said this … ? EVERYONE at the service in the Herongate Wood Green Cemetery started smiling.

ª I should add, at this point, that Jen’s funeral was very, very well attended. At a rough count, she and Arthur had three children — Wendi, the eldest, Debbi, who’s my age, and in the middle, and Damien, the youngest — at 5 grandchildren. And at least 2 great grandchildren. One of whom, if I’ve got it right, was born earlier today.

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