
Tuesday 9 August 2011

The Daily Teaser — 9-8-2011

Ye …

Mothering …

GODS … !

I’ve got to admit, I was up fairly late, last night, chatting via Facebook, to a friend of mine who lives in London.

Understandably … ?

Given where she lives, she’s definitely — and understandable — a touch worried.

After all, London’s turning into something of a war-zone.

Well …

Even if not necessarily a warzone, then certainly something reminiscent of one.

And something I don’t remember seeing since the Brixton and Toxteth riots of 1981.

Add to all that … ?

Add to that, I’ve another old friend who’s seriously worried enough to go to work armed.

I don’t blame them, but it’s not something I think I’d want for meself: I’d hate to get hurt, AND arrested.

Somehow, it’s not surprising that in today’s digital age, people are adding footage to YouTube …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I start setting some of the footage to Babylon’s Burning, or I Predict A Riot, shall we … ?

And before I make a bad taste joke about long, hot summer nights.


Yesterday’s Teaser was quiet, with nobody putting in their answers.

Lets see who’s up for it, today, shall we? Here’s today’s questions, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 9th August, 1999, saw the Japanese Parliament formally name both the flag and national anthem: what’s the name of the Japanese parliament … ?

Q2) 9th August, 1593, saw the birth of which noted angler … ?

Q3) 9th August, 48BC, saw Julius Cæsar defeat Pompey the Great at the Battle of Pharsalus: to which country did Pompey escape to … ?

Q4) Who — on 9th August, 1930 — made her cartoon debut in Dizzy Dishes … ?

Q5) And finally … 9th August, 1936, saw who become the first American to win four gold medals in one games?
And here’s yesterdays questions and answers …
Q1) 8th August, 1963, saw the notorious Great Train Robbery take place: Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs famous evaded capture by staying in which South American country … ?
A1) Brazil.

Q2) More to the point, this was after escaping from which UK prison … ?
Q2) HMP Wandsworth.

Q3) 8th August, 1949, saw which Himalayan kingdom become independent … ?
A3) Bhutan.

Q4) 8th August, 1974, saw the resignation of President Richard Nixon: in which Richard O’Brien musical film, is his speech heard on a car radio … ?
A4) The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Q5) And finally … 8th August, 1908, saw which of the Wright Brothers make their first public flight … ?
A5) Wilbur Wright.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’m going to find some video editing software …


  1. Lyn Millar

    Q1. The National Diet of Japan or Kokkai as it’s called in Japan

    Q2. Izaak Walton

    Q3. Egypt

    Q4. Betty Boop

    Q5. Jesse Owens

  2. 1. Those Crazy Guys who switch out a lot
    2. Loch Ness Stupidhead
    3. Greece?
    4. Okay, that's probably a Brit show. Maybe Judy Dench as a baby.
    5. Jesse Owens


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