
Thursday, 1 September 2011

The Daily Teaser — 1-9-2011

Blimey …

You can tell I’ve gone international, can’t you … ?

Bless him, I had Adrence leaving me a comment, yesterday: who’d thought Jack the Ripper was a bedtime story.

He wasn’t.

I can’t blame Adrence for thinking so, though.

Lets face it, though: given the amount of urban myth that’s built up around those five murders in 1888, and the amount of films, books, TV shows* and assorted twaddle about the killings, including a theory that claimed the killer was a gorilla that had escaped from London Zoo … ?

I’m not surprised.

I’m also thinking it’d be a handy source of ideas for a mystery novel …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi, Adrence and Nina — the PrettyMade, herself — all putting in their answers: it saw both Nina and Debbi bagging 6 out of 6, and discussing the addictive qualities of your humble authors hard work, and Adrence bagging two. I’m just glad to have help the Malaysian independence celebrations!

But lets see how everyone — which means you, too — does with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, Licenseand video

Q1) 1st September, 1604, saw the Adi Granth — the central scripture of Sikhism — installed where … ?

Q2) 1st September, 1939, saw the formal start of WW2, when Germany invaded where … ?

Q3) 1st September, 1969, saw a coup led — in part — by Colonel Gaddafi seize power in Libya: what was the name of Libya’s overthrown monarch?

Q4) 1st September was the day of the most powerful solar storm in recorded history: in which year of the 1850s?

Q5) And finally … 1st September, 2006, saw which European country become the first to complete the move to all-digital television broadcasts?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 31st August, 12 AD, saw the birth of Emperor Caligula: or Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, to give him his full name. What does Caligula actually mean, in English … ?
A1) Little Boots’. (With Small Boots being one of the other translations.)

Q2) More to the point, who played him in the BBC version of I, Claudius … ?
Q2) John Hurt.

Q3) 31st August, 1963, saw North Borneo and Sarawak become independent, prior to joining the Federation of Malaysia. Along with which city-state … ?
A3) Singapore. (As far as I can tell, though, Singapore left the Federation in 1965, whilst North Borneo is now Sabah.)

Q4) More to the point, the Federation of Malaysia — or Malaya, as it was, then — became independent on 31st August of which year … ?
A4) 1957.

Q5) 31st August, 1993, saw the closure of the British naval base, the HMS Mercury: was it the site of the Royal Navy’s Signals School, Royal Marines or Naval Chaplaincy services?
A5) Royal Naval Signals School.

Q6) And finally … 31st August, 1888, saw the death of Mary Anne Nichols, the first victim of Jack the Ripper: in which Whitechapel street was she found … ?
A6) Buck’s Row: or Durward Street, as it’s now called.
Enjoy those, everyone: now, if you’ll excuse me … ? I’m going to start drafting this script idea …

* Including Wolf In the Fold, one of the better regarded episodes of the original series of Star Trek.


  1. Here we go again... :)
    I'm really enjoying these! :D I think they should be available earlier in the morning, though, I was looking forward to it 7 am my time already... ;)

    1) The Harmandir Sahib, Golden Temple, in Punjab
    2) Poland
    3) King Idris
    4) 1859
    5) Clueless now! :O Finland was Sept 1st 2007, so it must've been Holland then...?

  2. And don't forget the movie Time After Time with Malcolm McDowell as H.G. Wells and that guy from Time Bandits as Jack the Ripper. David something ...

    1. the Golden Temple
    2. Poland
    3. King Idris
    4. 1859
    5. Luxembourg

    David Warner! Thank God for IMDB. :)

  3. Ummmm … 

    PrettyMade, you DO know that means I’d have to be up at 5 for that … ! Not that I mind, but my eyeballa are melting, getting up at half six … !

    And Time After Time was a classic, Debbi … ? You do know David Warner popped up in Star Trek: vi: The Undiscovered Country?


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