
Monday 5 September 2011

The Daily Teaser — 5-9-2011

Hmmm …

I’ll be honest, I’ve got Yesterday on, again.

And have to confess, I’m thinking about turning over … !

To be frank … ?

I’m thinking as fascinating as finding out about Otto Skorzeny actually is, I’m also thinking he’s mildly distasteful: especially as he never seemingly abandoned Nazism.

Hmmm …

I can’t help but think that’s significant of something.

Lord KNOWS what, though …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Nina putting in their answers: along with both scoring 6 out of 6, it saw Nina wishing us a good morning, and Debbi commenting on the similarities between Snooker and Billiards*.

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s Teaser, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 5th September, 1666, saw the end of the Great Fire Of London: who many people are known to have died in it … ?

Q2) 5th September, 1798, saw the Jourdan law, introduced in France. What did this introduce: conscription, mandatory organ donation, or compulsory atheism … ?

Q3) 5th September, 1959, saw the introduction of trunk calls in the UK, from what: a public pay phone, a mobile phone, or a radio-telephone … ?

Q4) 5th September, 2000, saw the small Island nation of Tuvalu join the United Nations: name either of the two nations that have smaller populations …

Q5) And finally … 5th September, 1960, saw which boxer awarded Olympic gold at the 1960 Rome Games?
And here’s yesterday’s Questions and answers …
Q1) 4th September, 1886, saw the capture of Geronimo by US forces: his Native American name translates as … what … ?
A1) One Who Yawns.

Q2) 4th September, 1964, saw the opening of the Forth Bridge: across which river?
Q2) The Forth River.

Q3) Name either of the two Scottish cities this bridge connects.
A3) Fife and Edinburgh.

Q4) 4th September, 1241, saw the birth of Alexander 3rd of Scotland: in which year was he named as King of Scotland?
A4) 1249.

Q5) 4th September, 1985, saw the discovery of which form of carbon … ?
A5) C60: or Buckminsterfullerene if you really want to show off.

Q6) And finally … 4th September, 1998, saw the founding of Google: name either of the Stanford students who founded it.
A6) Larry Page, or Sergei Brin.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

* OK, Debbi, are we talking Billiards, here, or good old fashioned Carom … ? Which I know for a fact Jimmy Whiteº has described as “Mental!”. Oh … and the player concerned was Cliff Thorburnª, who was Canada’s top ranked player at the time. And also known as The Grinder from his play style.

º The first left handed player to record a 147 at a World Championship.

ª One of only two players to be interrupted by the SAS storming a building.


  1. Here we go, finally... ;)
    1) 8??? That few???
    2) Conscription
    3) Phone box
    4) Nauru, Vatican City
    5) Muhammad Ali, still called Cassius Clay at the time

  2. I guess I was thinking about good old pool. :)

    1. 16
    2. conscription
    3. public pay phone
    4. Vatican City and Nauru
    5. Cassius Clay aka Muhammad Ali


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