
Wednesday 7 September 2011

The Daily Teaser — 7-9-2011

You know, that‘s a weird bit of synchronicity, there … !

I’ve got to admit, I’ve got the news on, in the background.

And they’ve just had a economist on, called DeAnne Julius: talking about the 50p tax rate, basically.

The reason I’m finding it strange … ?

Well, I’ve got to admit, I’ve just started reading William Gibson’s Pattern Recognition, having read, and turned into a fan of, his Sprawl trilogy.

The first novel of that trilogy, Neuromancer … ?

Has a minor character called Julius Deane.

Yes, I know that hardly counts as hugely significant.

But it did strike as …

Well …

INTERESTING, lets put it that way, shall we … ?

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yeah …


Actually, as was yesterday’s Teaser results: I think I’m living up to my old tag line …

It saw both Debbi and Nina putting in their answers, with Debbi bagging 5 out of 6 and Nina scoring 4.

Lets see how they — and you — do with todays questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 7th September, 1940, saw the start of which German WW2 attack?

Q2) 7th September, 1927, saw the invention of the world’s first electronic television system: by whom?

Q3) More to the point, his other big invention, the Fusor, is used commercially to produce what … ?

Q4) 7th September, 1953, saw whom named as the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union?

Q5) And finally … 7th September, 1901 saw the signing of the Austria-Hungary, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Russia, Spain, United States and China — Final Protocol for the Settlement of the Disturbances of 1900: what did this end?
And here’s yesterday’s Questions and answers …
Q1) 6th September, 1888, saw Charles Turner become the first English bowler to take 250 wickets in a season: name any of the four English bowlers to have done it since … !
A1) Tom Richardson, J. T. Hearne, Wilfred Rhodes or Tich Freeman.

Q2) 6th September, 1952, saw Canada’s first TV station — CBFT — start broadcasting: but in which city … ?
Q2) Montreal.

Q3) More to the point, what does CBFT stand for … ?
A3) Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Français Télévision. (The only bilingual contraction I know I’ve ever come across … )

Q4) 6th September, 1937, saw the start of the Battle of El Mazuco: during which war was that battle … ?
A4) The Spanish Civil War.

Q5) 6th September, 1968, saw which African country become independent … ?
A5) Swaziland.

Q6) And finally … 6th September, 2008, saw President Abdullah Gül become the first Turkish President to visit which country … ?
A6) Armenia.
Enjoy those, everyone: now, if you’ll excuse me … ? I’m going to head back to bed … !

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