
Saturday 17 September 2011

Fanboys: Geeks, Freak, Fools … And VERY Silly … !

Phew …

I know, I know, Kevin … !

This one’s a bit after the fact … !

But play fair, I’ve been writing Teasers!

Now why do I get the feeling I’m going to have SOME one looking at me funny … ?

Ahem … !

But at any rate … ?

Well, I’ve got to be honest, Kevin D and me — yes, I know it’s I, Grub, but I’m feeling vernacular — managed to get together for a film, last night.

The one in question … ?

Was the incredibly light and fluffy Fanboys.

Which certainly managed to find itself an appreciative audience, last night, I know that.

Set just before the release of Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace*, Fanboys sees five former high school friends deciding to make a road trip for the benefit of the terminally ill Linus, in order to try and steal the rough cut version of Episode 1.

And the assorted trials, tribulations and rabid Star Trek fans they go through to get to their goal …


Now …

I could probably — and happily — bore you to tears, talking about Fanboys, I really could.

But I think it’s safe to say that, while we’re not looking at a huge art-house movie, we ARE dealing with a light and fluffy comedy …

That’s very entertaining, and loaded with enough fanboy references to keep Bjo Trimble and Julian May happy for hours!

Personally … ?

Well, I’ll let the starts do the talking …
Paul: Keeper ★★★☆
Kevin: Keeper ★★★☆
Average: Keeper ★★★☆
Along with a couple of clips …

* Remind me to tell you about the various titling options, at some point. Oh, and gently remind Mr Lucas who’s paying for all this …

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