
Saturday 15 October 2011

The Daily Teaser — 15-10-2011

You know, you can TELL the nights are starting to draw in, you really can …

Mostly because it’s getting darker earlier in the evening.

And getting lighter, later in the morning …

I know, I know, it’s getting nearer to being winter.

Although when I say that … ?

I’m just betting Old Peculiar regular, Mr Strict, will be smirking, slightly.

After all … ?

In his part of the world, it’s slowly getting a touch nearer to summer …

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Alexandra putting in their answers: with Alexandra* bagging 3 out of 5 and Debbi bagging 4ª.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, Licence and video

Q1) 15th October, 2001, saw NASA’s Galileo probe pass close to the Solar system’s most geologically active body: which body is it … ?

Q2) More to the point, which planet is that body a moon of … ?

Q3) Moving on … 15th October, 1764, saw writer, Edward Gibbon saw a group of monks singing in the ruined Temple of Venus in Rome: which book did this inspire him to write … ?

Q4) 15th October, 1815, saw who begin a famous exile on an obscure Atlantic island … ?

Q5) More to the point, what was the name of the island … ?

Q6) 15th October, 1964, saw Nikita Khruschev step down as head of the USSR’s government: apart from Chairman of the Council of Ministers, what other senior post did he hold … ?

Q7) And finally … 15th October, 1917, saw the execution of (possible) spy, Mata Hari: in which European country?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 14th October, 1066, saw the Battle Of Hastings, the key battle in the Norman conquest of England: what nickname did his fellow Frenchmen give William The Conqueror?
A1) Guillaume le Bâtard: or William the Bastard.

Q2) More to the point, is the Bayeux Tapestry, that commemorates the event, a tapestry … ?
A2) No: strictly, it’s a piece of embroidery.

Q3) 14th October, 1920, saw the USSR cede part of Petsamo Province … to which country … ?
A3) Finland. (And if Nina DOESN’T get this one, Debbi, I and @RockTique will officially hand her a meaningful look.)

Q4) 14th October, 1994, saw three people win the Nobel Peace Prize: name any of them …
A4) Yasser Arafat, and two Israelis, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres.

Q5) And finally … 14th October, 1969, saw the introduction of which piece of English coinage … ?
A5) The 50p piece.
Enjoy those, everyone.

I’ll leave you with the video that left Debbi slightly freaked …

* Something of a personal best, there …

ª William Rufus was William 1st’s third son, Debbi. And yes, you’re right about the video … ! Alexandra, did I show you that … ? Don’t worry, I’ve mentioned it …

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I love cats. But that is one freaky cat video. :)

    1. Io
    2. Jupiter
    3. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
    4. Napoleon
    5. Saint Helena
    6. First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
    7. France


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