
Monday 17 October 2011

The Daily Teaser — 17-10-2011

Hmmm …

Here goes with the nerves, again …

I’ve got to admit, I’ve a reason for being nervous, as well, today.

I’ve got an interview, down in Doddinghurst, today.

For a telesales company, would you believe … ?

Hopefully, it’ll go well: it’s waving quite a nice salary for someone who’s had the kind of jobs I’ve had, over the years.

If I DO bag it … ?

There it is, the biggest word in the language.


Keep your fingers crossed for me, please, folks … !


Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome, again — putting in her answers: and, along with discreetly mentioning this page after I commented about the Occupy movement, yesterday, ALSO managed to bag 5 out of 6*.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 17th October, 1888, saw Thomas Edison patent the Optical Phonograph: the Optical Phonograph was an early version of what … ?

Q2) 17th October, 1980, saw the Queen make a state visit to where … ?

Q3) 17th October, 1931, saw gangster, Al Capone, sentenced for Tax Evasion: in which US gaol did he serve the bulk of his sentence … ?

Q4) 17th October, 1933, saw which scientist flee Nazi Germany?

Q5) And finally … 17th October, 1956, saw the Queen officially open the Britain’s first commercial nuclear reactor: what was it’s name?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 16th October, 1996, saw the British government ban what … ?
A1) Handguns.

Q2) That ban was in response to which incident … ?
A2) The Dunblane Massacre.

Q3) 16th October, 1949, saw diplomatic relations established between the USSR … and where … ?
A3) The German Democratic Republic: East Germany, in other words.

Q4) 16th October, 1967, saw singer Joan Baez arrested in a anti-Vietnam War protest: what was her biggest UK hit … ?
A4) The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, reaching № 6, in 1971.

Q5) 16th October, 1987, was the morning after Britain saw the worst storms since … when … ?
A5) 1703.

Q6) And finally … 16th October, 1978, saw Wanda Rutkiewicz become the first Pole — and first European woman — to reach the summit of which mountain?
A6) Mount Everest. (Funnily, this was on the same day her fellow countryman, Cardinal Karol Wojtyła was elected as Pope John Paul 2nd.)
Enjoy those, everyone: and you remember the Meow mix video I posted, the other day … ?

Seemingly, its creator’s done something else …

Mooooo … !

* Yes, you’re right, Debbi, the BBC called it “In Living Memory”: but from what I can remember from the reports at the timeª … ? One or two reporters mentioned 1703: the year mentioned here …

ª I can STILL remember walking down the main Ongar Road on my way to work, that morning. ‘Downed Powerlines’ doesn’t even START … !

1 comment:

  1. Hmm ... you should try being stuck in a traffic jam, while a tornado goes up the road you're on -- tearing trees apart and blowing up transformers. Really! So. Not. Good.

    1. movie projector
    2. Vatican City
    3. Leavenworth
    4. Albert Einstein
    5. Calder Hall


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