
Saturday 8 October 2011

The Daily Teaser — 8-10-2011

Blimey … !

Now that …

Is what I call a thing … !

I’ve just been floating around on the BBC’s news pages: or, at least, the technology part of them.

Only to find that here in the UK … ?

That YouTube is to offer movie rentals … !

Handy, if you’ve got an internet capable TV.

I don’t, personally: mine’s so old, it doesn’t actually a vga port!

Which is a shame.

Because, frankly, it looks like iTunes is cheaper on rentals …

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Nina and Debbi putting in their answers: and, along with separately having a word with me about a question in yesterday’s 60-question-set, it saw both of them scoring 5 out of five.

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 8th October, 1904, saw the formal incorporation of two Canadian cities: name either …

Q2) 8th October, 2001, saw President George W. Bush announce the creation of which US government department?

Q3) Two years later, 8th October, 2003, saw who elected as Governor of California … ?

Q4) 8th October, 1973, saw Britain’s first commercial radio station begin broadcasting: what was it called …?

Q5) And finally … 8th October, 1921, saw KDKA Radio broadcast the first live American Football game: in which US city … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 7th October, 2004, saw the abdication of King Norodom Sihanouk of where … ?
A1) Cambodia.

Q2) 7th October, 1982, saw the BROADWAY opening of which Andrew Lloyd Webber musical … ?
A2) Cats.

Q3) 7th October, 3761BC, is the generally accepted starting date for the Hebrew Calendar. What’s the first month of the year, in that calendar?
A3) Nisan: spelt variously as Nīsān, Nissan or Nisanu.

Q4) 7th October, 1763, saw George 3rd issue a proclamation banning further colonization in North America: north and wet of which mountain range?
A4) The Allegheny Mountains.

Q5) And finally … 7th October, 1959 saw a U. S. S. R. probe photograph the far side of where … ?
A5) The moon.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

1 comment:

  1. 1. Edmonton and Prince Albert
    2. Office of Homeland Security
    3. Arnold Schwarzenegger or Ahh-nald, if you prefer :)
    4. LBC Radio (London Broadcasting Company)
    5. Pittsburgh


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