
Monday 31 October 2011

The Halloween Teaser - 31-10-2011

No, seriously …

BOO … !

Well …

It is Halloween, after all.

Or, of course, Samhain, if you’re of a slightly more … unorthodox … religious persuasion.

Actually …

I’ve got to admit, the neopagan revival of the past few years — with no disrespect intended those I know who ARE pagan — has always struck me as just a touch odd.

But there we go …

There’s no accounting for how ones Higher Power — whatever one perceives it/him/her to be — moves us, is there … ?

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers, and — along with groovily bagging 5 out of 5, in a groovily hip* sort of way — managing to give yours truly a mention, hereº.

Lets see how she — and you — do with todays monster of a Teaser, shall we? Here it is, along with the ‘How To’, license and video

Q1) Which British horror actor was known as Mr Murder?

Q2) Which specific card, in a standard park, is also known as the Devil’s Bedposts?

Q3) Elizabeth Short was the victim of a much publicised, unsolved murder in Hollywood, 1947: what was her nickname … ?

Q4) In Greek mythology the Minotaur was half man and half what?

Q5) Where’s the tomb of Henry the 8th?

Q6) In the 1900 book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, where did Glinda hail from?

Q7) Radio 4 newsreader, Charlotte Green had an on air fit of the giggles, in 2008: what nickname do actors give this?

Q8) Former FBI agent Mark Felt, died in 2008, at the age of 95: how was he better known?

Q9) What vegetable is traditionally worn round the neck, to fend off a vampire?

Q10) Which member of the Doors claimed to have once dated a witch?

Q11) 31st October, 1517, famously saw Martin Luther nail his 95 Theses to which church door?

Q12) 31st October, 2003, saw Mahathir Mohamad step down as PM of where … ?

Q13) 31st October, 2000, saw the launch of the Soyuz TM-31: where was it going to … ?

Q14) 31st October saw Princess Margaret cancel her wedding to Group Captain Peter Townsend: in which year … ?

Q15) And FINALLY … 31st October, 2003, saw Bethany Hamilton attacked by a what … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 30th October, 1270, saw the end of the 8th Crusade and the lifting of the siege of which North African city … ?
A1) Tunis. (Given Tunisia’s just had its first free elections in years, it seemed an appropriate question.)

Q2) 30th October, 1922, saw Benito Mussolini named as Prime Minister of Italy: in which year was he summarily executed … ?
A2) 1945. (OK, we’ve HAD Tunisia, who want’s to mention Gaddafi … ?)

Q3) 30th October, 1961, saw the USSR receive worldwide condemnation after testing what … ?
A3) A nuclear bomb: in what was, at the time, the world’s largest explosion.

Q4) 30th October, 2000, saw the shutdown of the last Multics mainframe: in which country was this machine … ?
A4) Canada.

Q5) And finally … 30th October, 1984, saw police recover the body of Father Jerzy Popieluszko: which trade union had he famously supported … ?
A5) Solidarity.
Enjoy those, everyone.

Try not to scare TOO many people.

Just … carry on screaming …

* Personally … ? I’m SO hip, I’m getting some anti-inflammatories. I’ve not been able to see my knees for years …

º Yes, I think, you’re right, Debbi: but I still think bendy corpses just sounds … odd … (All that, and neither of us has managed to crack a line about feeling a bit stiff … ! Just saying … !)


  1. Oh, bless him … !

    I’ve just had an old friend — No Idea Adrian — get in touch with his answers …

    Here are the answers to your Halloween Quiz (31st October 2011). I could not find your Friday one.

    A1) Tod Slaughter (19 March 1885 - 19 February 1956).

    A2) The four of clubs.

    A3) The Black Dahlia.

    A4) The Minotaur was half bull.

    A5) Windsor Castle.

    A6) Glynda was the good witch from the SOUTH.

    A7) Corpsing.

    A8) Deep Throat.

    A9) Garlic.

    A10) Patricia Morrison?

    A11) All Saints' Church in Wittenberg.

    A12) Malaysia.

    A13) The International Space Station (ISS).

    A14) 1955.

    A15) A tiger shark.

  2. I love your Halloween videos! :-)

    1. Tod Slaughter
    2. the four of clubs
    3. the Black Dahlia
    4. bull
    5. St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle
    6. the South
    7. breaking character
    8. Deep Throat
    9. garlic
    10. Jim Morrison
    11. Wittenberg
    12. Malaysia
    13. International Space Station
    14. 1955
    15. shark


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