
Tuesday 18 October 2011

Mixed Feelings

OK, granted, the Watchmen* take on the old Smiley icon.

But I’m blowed if I could find one that meant ‘mixed feelings’, I really couldn’t.

You remember that I’d had an interview, yesterday, with a little telesales company, out in Brentwood’s equivalent of the proverbial sticks … ?

Well …

I’ve got to be honest, I didn’t get it.

I’m …

Well, I’ll be honest, I’m having mixed feelings about that, as I’m sure you’ve probably guessed.

On the one hand … ?

It’s the first actual interview I’ve had for a while: and, while I’m alway’s uncertain of how well I did — I’m ALWAY’S uncertain about these things — I think the fact that I was offered a try out, almost on the spot, tells me that I was impressive enough.

Or that the company concerned were desperateº.

At ANY rate, the try-out was scheduled for this morning.

Then re-scheduled — late yesterday — for tomorrow morning.

I was mildly grateful: it gave me a chance to check on the bus timetables, and whether the company that operated the sole bus route to Doddinghurst offered season tickets, and what kind of help my local benefits office could offer me.

THEN I got cancelled, this morning, not long after I’d got out of the shower and posted up today’s Teaser.

Hmmm …

Frustrating …

You can imagine …


At any rate, I’ll confess, this is exactly where the mixed feelings came in.

The job was offering what — to me — was a very good basic salary, plus commission on top, for a job that seemed well with-in my abilities: or, if not within them, then certainly easy enough to learn.

All I had to do was make sure of the bus route and time table, pass that try and …

And supply me bank details as needed, so any pay could go through, on payday.

So, as you can imagine … ?

As you can imagine, getting the proverbial elbow, before I’d actually been hired was both frustrating …

And something of a relief.

After all, getting there would have been something of a chore, I think: as much of a chore as getting to central London.

And …

Well, there’s something else, as well.

I know SOME of the land in this part of the world‘s fairly cheap.

But having an office on a farm in seriously rural Essex … ?

Well …

There’s something odd there …

* I’ve got to admit, the 2009 film version was one of the few times a film managed to stay close to it’s source material: what’s more, I think Jackie Earle Haley as Roschach was something else …

º I’m inclined to the latter, to be frank …

1 comment:

  1. I don't know, Paul. Probably a blessing in disguise.

    Hang in there. Something will come along when you least expect it. Really it will! :)


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