
Wednesday 19 October 2011

The Daily Teaser — 19-10-2011

Hmmm …

There’s a thing …

I’ve got to admit to have the BBC’s news channel on, at this point.

And in amongst the usual stuff — including the Dale Farm evictions — is a little article that’s more than a touch musical.

Remember The Beach Boys, and their unreleased album, Smile … ?

Now I know Brian Wilson released a version back in 2004: but seemingly … ?

Seemingly, the original version’s been completed and is to be released.

Could be fun …


But let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: and, along with bagging 7 out of 8*, and putting in a quote from Rex Stoutº.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 19th October, 1989, saw the release of the Guildford Four, after their convictions were quashed: what was the name of the 1993 about this … ?

Q2) 19th October, 1959, saw the Scotch-Club in Aachen, open as the world’s first what?

Q3) 19th October, 1935, saw the League of Nations impose sanctions on Italy for invading Ethiopia: who was Emperor of Ethiopia at the time … ?

Q4) 19th October, 1917, saw Love Field open: in which Texan city?

Q5) More to the point, is Love Field an airport, football field or public park?

Q6) And finally … 19th October, 202 BC, saw the defeat of whom, at the Battle of Zama?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 18th October, 1922, saw the founding of the BBC: under what name?
A1) The British Broadcasting Company Ltd.

Q2) More to the point, name any of the 6 companies that made up the original founding consortium …
A2) Marconi, Radio Communication Company, Metropolitan-Vickers, General Electric, Western Electric, and British Thomson-Houston.

Q3) More to the point, what’s full name of the BBC … now?
A3) The British Broadcasting Corporation.

Q4) As a final BBC question: how many domestic TV channels does the BBC currently operate?
A4) Ten: BBC 1, BBC 1 HD, BBC 2, BBC 3, BBC 4, BBC HD, CBBC CBeebies, BBC News and finally BBC Parliament. (Deep breathe … )

Q5) Moving on … 18th October, 1851, saw Richard Bentley of London publish The Whale: how is that novel now known?
A5) Moby Dick.

Q6) 18th October, 1991, saw which republic declare independence from the USSR?
A6) Azerbaijan.

Q7) 18th October, 1967, saw a USSR probe send back information from which planet … ?
A7) Venus.

Q8) And finally … 18th October, 1976, saw the funeral of Carlo Gambino: who replaced him as Gambino Family Boss … ?
A8) Paul Castellano. (The Family’s now headed by Domenico Cefalu. Allegedly … … … … … … )
Enjoy those everyone: I’ll leave you with a tune from Smile

And from birthday boy, Peter Tosh …

* Sorry, Debbi, I should’ve clarified Q4) a bit more precisely: domestic channels, not including the co-funded ones, like S4c and BBC Alba … !

º Yeah, huge disadvantages, Debbi … I mean, where exactly does one register for tax purposes … ? Where DID I put that loose £100, 000 … ? :D


  1. 1. In the Name of the Father
    2. discoteque
    3. Haile Selassie
    4. Dallas
    5. airport
    6. Hannibal

    Loving your music selections! :-)

  2. I’ve GOT to admit, Debbi, I had to put Peter Tosh in: not only did the song provide a nickname for one of my favourite SF characters — Molly, in William Gibson’s Sprawl trilogy — but I got a little mixed up in making that batch of teaser videos …

    And used Chuck Berry, instead …

    I’ kicking meself … !


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