
Monday 10 October 2011

A Quick Post On the Subject Of Jokes …

And literally, it’s going to be quick …

You do know that many people have jokes aimed at …

Well …

Someone … ?

And USUALLY someone else … ?

Here in England, we’ve told jokes about the Irish: I’ve ever heard the Irish joke the Irish tell about the English*.

I think every nation on the planet has something like it.

But I’m ALSO very aware that musicians here in the UK have something similar.

Drummer jokes.

Here’s one:
“John and Keith are heading down the M1 to a drummer’s convention: John decides he needs the loo, so they stop at a motorway services. John heads to the toilet, leaving Keith floating around the service-station. Ten minutes later, he’s finished what he’s doing, heads into the self-service cafe, to find Keith, by the coffee machine, surrounded by little plastic cups of coffee. ‘Keith’, says John, ‘what the hell are you doing?’ ‘DON’T STOP ME NOW, JOHN’, says Keith, ‘I’m just STARTING to get the hang of this!’”

There’s oh so many more of these …

But I’ll leave you with this:
“A drummer goes into a shop and says to the guy at the counter, ‘I don’t want to play the instrument I’ve played most of my life: I want to be Clapton … Hendrix … May! Tell me the name of a worthy guitar, so I can learn my new trade.’ The chap behind the counter says ‘You’re a drummer, aren’t you … ?‘ The drummer’s astounded … ‘How can you tell,’ says our hero, ‘what gives you such amazing insight … ?’ The chap behind the counter says ‘This is a kebab shop …’”

* “Why are Irish jokes so simple … ? So the English can understand them … ”

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