
Monday 10 October 2011

The Daily Teaser — 10-10-2011

It’s official: I think we’re going to file that photo of Jude under Bloody Cheeky, aren’t we … ?

It’s just the look on his face!

It’s actually rather hard to believe that he’s almost 10 months old!

Actually … ?

Point of fact, he’s going to be a year old on 26th December.

Where does the time go … ?

Honestly …

Hmmm …

I think I’d better get moving on, hadn’t I … ?
BEFORE I start to bore you …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Nina and Debbi putting in their answers. With both scoring 7 out of 7, it ALSO saw them both mentioning the word ‘sumotori’: translating as ‘those who Sumo’, apparently it’s only used for senior wrestlers.

Lets see how they do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 10th October, 680 AD, saw Hussain bin Ali, grandson of the Prophet Mohammed, killed at the Battle of Karbala: how is this commemorated by Shia Muslims … ?

Q2) 10th October, 1969, saw the British government accept the findings of the Hunt Report: which meant disbanding which police force?

Q3) 10th October, 1970, saw which island nation become independent … ?

Q4) 10th October, 1973, saw US Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew, resign his post after being charged with what … ?

Q5) And finally … 10th October, 1944, saw 800 Romani children killed at Auschwitz concentration camp: what’s the Romani term for the Holocaust … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 9th October, 1888, saw the opening of which US monument … ?
A1) The Washington Monument, in Washington DC.

Q2) That monument was the world’s tallest structure, until what was opened to the public, in 1889?
A2) The Eiffel Tower. (At the height’s these structure’s are, they’re both eyefuls. Eyefuls, Eiffel’s … ? No … ? Oh well … )

Q3) 9th October, 1967, saw the death — by shooting — of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara: by soldiers from which South American Country … ?
A3) Bolivia.

Q4) More to the point, who took the famous Guerrillero Heroico photo of Che, in March of 1960?
A4) Alberto Korda.

Q5) 9th October, 1991, saw the first Sumo tournament outside Japan being held at the Royal Albert Hall, in London. What’s the Japanese term for a Sumo wrestler … ?
A5) Rikishi: 力士, or Strongman. sumōtori, (相撲取), ‘one who does sumo’, is also used.

Q6) 9th October, 1701, saw the Collegiate School of Connecticut, chartered: how is that school now known … ?
A6) Yale University.

Q7) And finally … 9th October, 1986, saw the London debut of which musical … ?
A7) The Phantom of the Opera.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !


  1. Eyefuls, Eiffel’s


    Thought you might appreciate that. :)

    1. an annual 10-day period culminating in Ashura
    2. Ulster Special Constabulary or "B Specials"
    3. Fiji
    4. tax evasion
    5. porajmos

  2. Couldn’t resist it, Debbi. Still, it could’ve been worse.

    HOW, exactly, I don’t know … … 


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