You know, I’ll be frank …
I’m thinking Series four of Merlin is shaping up rather well.
At least, going on the two episodes the BBC have broadcast so far.
Although I am wondering about one thing that’s rather obscure.
There’s a creature in it called a Wilderin: and I’m convinced whoever designed that must have read D. R. & Quinch Get Drafted: part Three features a thing called a Snufflegruff that looks like it may well have provided the inspiration for the creature …
Hmmm …
Lets get moving on, shall we … ?
BEFORE I bore you with the potted history of my favourite alien frat-boys!
Yesterday’s Teaser saw just Debbi putting in her answers: as well as putting up this post — amongst others, I should add! — she also managed to bag 5 out of 5.
Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, license and video …
Q1) 9th October, 1888, saw the opening of which US monument … ?Q2) That monument was the world’s tallest structure, until what was opened to the public, in 1889?Q3) 9th October, 1967, saw the death — by shooting — of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara: by soldiers from which South American Country … ?Q4) More to the point, who took the famous Guerrillero Heroico photo of Che, in March of 1960?Q5) 9th October, 1991, saw the first Sumo tournament outside Japan being held at the Royal Albert Hall, in London. What’s the Japanese term for a Sumo wrestler … ?Q6) 9th October, 1701, saw the Collegiate School of Connecticut, chartered: how is that school now known … ?Q7) And finally … 9th October, 1986, saw the London debut of which musical … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 8th October, 1904, saw the formal incorporation of two Canadian cities: name either …A1) Edmonton, in Alberta and Prince Albert, in Saskatchewan.Q2) 8th October, 2001, saw President George W. Bush announce the creation of which US government department?A2) The Department of Homeland Security.Q3) Two years later, 8th October, 2003, saw who elected as Governor of California … ?A3) Arnold Schwarzenegger.Q4) 8th October, 1973, saw Britain’s first commercial radio station begin broadcasting: what was it called …?A4) LBC: or London Broadcasting Company, if you want it in full.Q5) And finally … 8th October, 1921, saw KDKA Radio broadcast the first live American Football game: in which US city … ?A5) Pittsburgh.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you all later … !
After leaving you with this …
1) The Washington Monument
2) Was that the Eiffel Tower?
3) Bolivia
4) Alberto Korda
5) sumotori or sekitori (higher rank)
6) Yale University
7) The Phantom of the Opera
Oh, dear. I hate to tell you, but you left out the link to my post.
Imagine my surprise when I saw the video! LOL!!
1. the Washington Monument
2. the Eiffel Tower
3. Bolivia
4. Alberto Korda
5. rikishi or (sometimes) sumotori
6. Yale University
7. The Phantom of the Opera
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