As time has gone on, Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar has become less about the pub quizzes I ran: and more about both the Daily Teasers, stuff I’ve been doing, TV shows I’ve caught or enjoyed, and movies I’ve seen.
Those movies — and, more recently, the TV shows — have been on DVD, or blu-ray, rented from iTunes or streamed from various sites.
They give me — and anyone who joins me — a cheap night in.
At any rate, the movies and shows I get to see are the ones I try and post about.
Now, if you’ve already seen any of the films, and want to post up comments, you’re welcome to: here’s the ‘How To’.
Feel free to agree or disagree with each review.
So long as you leave your name, I’m happy.
As a final point … ?
You might or might now have read my post about Salt, but I did something fairly new for me.
Just to make a point about the merits of some movies compared to others, I did a very improvised rating system.
Here …
- GO GET NOW: and make your friends watch! ★★★★⁺
- GO GET NOW: If you’ve missed ’em, more fool you. ★★★★
- Keepers: films worth watching, highly watchable and keeping a copy of: at least, certainly worth a second look. ★★★☆
- Watchers: worth watching, possibly even thought provoking, but not necessary worth keeping. ★★☆☆
- Nice to have seen: but mostly forgettable. ★☆☆☆
- ForGET it. ☆☆☆☆
And finally …
A four star (★★★★) film — or TV show — is one I rate highly: and think you should see. A four star plus film? Is even better
Zero stars? (☆☆☆☆). Don’t waste your money.
Go watch a movie …