Friday 26 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26-7-2024 — Liberia

26th July, 2024: Liberia.

Right … 

It’s Friday!

Which means a couple of things.


I’ve started my new, injectable, diabetes medication: one that’s supposed to help me loose weight.


Jude’s posted a new video.

I hope you enjoy it: he worked on those sound effects for minutes!


Thursday 25 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th July 2024

25th July, 2024.

Right, then … it’s Thursday.

But you’d possibly knew that!

Especially given that you’ve got a calendar, somewhere!

At any rate … ?

I managed to catch Outpost, last night: a film I last saw back in 2009.

It still looked as good as it did, back then.

Although it does get you wondering.

The thing stars the late Ray Stevenson*: and … ?

I’m sorely wishing he’d survived whatever it is that killed him, last year.

Given his performance in Outpost, Rome and Ahsoka, I’d’ve love to see him in more!


Oh …  I’ve just had a phone call: from Elenor, at Microsoft, on 07564 531 783.

According to their records?   And over the past couple of days?

There’s been errors coming from my computer.

She went silent, and put the phone down on me: when I asked why Microsoft, of all people, were phoning about errors coming from a Mac.

You have to laugh.

I know I almost did!


Wednesday 24 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th July 2024

24th July, 2024.

I had blood tests, yesterday!

At Basildon Hospital.

Which — it has to be said — went well enough: and should be useful for the Colonoscopy I’m due to have in a couple of weeks time.

The big problem … ?

Was getting home.

The (non-emergency) patient transport didn’t turn up: meaning I was stuck in Basildon from 14:30, ’til 18:30.

When I got a train home!

I can’t fault the hospital staff for:
  • Keep me informed of what was happening.
  • Doing their basic job.
Nor can I totally blame the patient transport division, who were extremely short handed.

They did, at least, keep the hospital informed of what was happening and offered to pay for a taxi.

But … ?

I feel both annoyed, angered, and deeply frustrated.

As what should have been a half hour wait … turned into a four hour one!


Tuesday 23 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23rd July 2024.

23rd July, 2024.

Right … 

It’s both Tuesday, and pay day!

And the day I’m due at Basildon Hospital for some blood tests.

This afternoon.

I’m going to have to be quick, in Brentwood High Street.

I want to make sure I catch the transport to Basildon!


Monday 22 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22nd July, 2024.

22nd July, 2024.

Right … Monday … !

And … ?

I’m off to my weight management class, today.

Hopefully … ?

I’ll’ve lost something.

Even if it’s only my wits!


Oh, we’re waking up, in the UK.

To the news that President Biden has stepped down as the Democrat Presidential candidate in this years election: and endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris as his replacement.

I hope she gets the presidency, come November: it would be the first time the US has elected a female head of state.

It’s about time the US caught up!

To be honest, though … ?

I think it’s going to be a close race.

I can just see Trump milking the assassination attempt for all it’s worth.

Especially if he’s facing a woman.
