Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-2-2025 — The Gambia

18th February, 2025: Gambia.

It’s official: I’ve lost weight … !

Not much: some two hundred grams.

But enough to keep me pleased.

Now all I need to do … ?

Is keep at it!


My wrist hurts.

Oh, at least, the left hand side of the bone in my arm that connects to the wrist.

It’s not painfully painful … but it’s certainly noticeable.

Especially as a pain in my left arm gives me issues … as it would to anyone left-handed.

Heigh … ho!


I don’t think it’s been posted to the BBC’s news sites, as yet.

But … ?

I’ve got the Today programme on, in the background

Who’ve told us of another chapter in the on-going post office scandal.

As you probably know, many sub-postmasters — franchisees — have been wrongfully convicted of various shades of fraud and theft: after faults developed in the Horizon IT systems Fujitsu built for the Post Office.

Developed … and hidden.

Going by today’s news?

The Post Office has renewed Fujitsu’s contract: until October 2026.

I know building, testing, then releasing, these large scale systems takes time.

I know that as well as you do.

But … ?

Extending Fujitsu’s contract, because — as I suspect — the Post Office hasn’t planned for a replacement, years ago … ?

Is just plain stupid.


Monday, 17 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-2-2025 — Michael Jordan

17th February, 2025.


It’s Monday … !

The starting day of a new week, one that lets hop, skip, jump, and dance: whilst waving our hands around, excitedly … !

OK … maybe not … !

At any rate … ?

I’ll be off to my weight management group, this morning.

My weight was up, last week.

Hopefully, I’ll’ve lost some!


Hmmm … 

It seems British PM, Keir Starmer, has stated he is happy to put British troops on the ground, in the Ukraine.

I’m not sure I like that idea.

It’s … … 

Well, I don’t know that I can express why I think it’s a bad idea: but I feel it’s a bad idea.

Even if it seems to be part of a European peace-keeping force.

The Today programme has also told us that some US Government figures — I believe they’re quoting Marco Rubio — have said that Ukraine joining NATO would be bad.

As it would not guarantee peace, or prevent another invasion … 

I’m … 

Somehow, I’m not surprised about it.

And feeling deeply cynical.


Sunday, 16 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16th February 2025.

16th February, 2025.

The US government is in trouble.

They, and their President, are attempting to cut costs.

And laid off a large number of staff, recently: with that cost cutting process in mind.

That’s no bad thing, done well.

But … ?

According to at least one news report I’ve seen, they are desperately trying to rehire some staff: in particular, some of the staff in the agency that oversees nuclear safety.

But having trouble finding them.

“You couldn’t make it up” is an over-used phrase.

So, instead, I’ll say this: 

“You twerps!”


Elon Musk is heavily involved with the current US government.

And — famously — takes his kids to work.


I don’t know.

But it’s speculated he does so to try and improve his image.


And I wish I’d bookmarked the relevant answer: but an answer I saw on Quora, yesterday, introduced an interesting piece of speculation.

In the wake of the shooting of a health company CEO in the US, he’s doing it not to improve his image … but so he has a human shield, in case someone tries shooting him.

I don’t think he’s that callous.

But … ?

That was an answer that made a lot of sense … 


It seems that US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, is off to Russia: to try and negotiate an end to the Ukraine War with Vladimir Putin.

With very little input from President Zelensky, or Ukraine: and with a lot of unwanted territorial concessions.

I’m a very amateur historian: very amateur.

So … ?

I automatically thought about World War Two.

And the German annexation of the Sudetenland, in what was then Czechoslovakia.

A move that was supposed to appease Hitler, and persuade him to stop invading places.

It didn’t work.

I really don’t know if it will work now: we don’t need World War Three.


If Rubio comes back home, and talks of “peace in our time”, we could have problems … 


Saturday, 15 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th February 2025.

15th February 2025.

Right … 

I’ve been doing this — writing this blog — for some time.

And, as part of that … ?

I’ve been opening emails … and pressing various button, to publish posts.

Except this morning.

As … ?

As, it turns out, BT’s email service is down.


I don’t know.

But it’s tempting to blame the current US president!

At any rate … ?

I get the feeling that — once the service is back up — my email client’s going to be swamped … !


Hmmm … 

I’ve just noticed this piece on the BBC’s Red button service, telling us how a prisoner in HMP Peterborough has been given time for assault.

Telling us the inmate attacked a guard with sugar dissolved in boiling hot water.

Don’t ask how I know … 

But they used to call that ‘jugging’ … 


Friday, 14 February 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-2-2025 — Dracula.

14th February, 2025: Dracula.

I have to admit to feeling slightly rushed, this morning.


Apple asked for me bank card details: despite having not had to, for some years.

Yes, before you ask: it’s definitely a genuine request, I checked the email.

 But quite what happened, there?

I don’t know.


There’s a woman the BBC are calling Beth: who was involved with a man the Beeb are referring to as ‘Agent X*’.

Who, as it turned out, was both a paid informant for MI5 … and who abused his by-now ex-partner, Beth.

The twists … ?

That Agent X was a Neo-nazi.

And MI5 lied in court about what they knew about him, at least three times.

Going by this piece?

Beth’s sueing MI5, I should add: and wants an apology.

Right now?

Given that my bedtime read is Thunderball?

I can only conclude the espionage business, the real espionage business, is not especially pleasant … 
