Good LORD, THAT is not something I expected … !
Now, you’ve probably worked out, over the years, I’m something of a Mac fan, haven’t you?
Given the money, and the choice?
I’ve always said my next computer’s another Mac.
So you can probably guess I’ve been something of an Apple watcher, over the years.
— Apple co-founder and the man generally agreed to have turned the company around in the 1990s — has died, late last night at the age of 56.

Well, I’m mildly shocked, to say the least.
Although I’m VERY aware that he was physically frail, he’d ALSO — going by his press coverage — seemed a very alive person.
So hearing about his death, today … ?
Well …
Shocked …
Gobsmacked …
And quite definitely saddened …
Lets get moving on, shall we … ?
Lets …
Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Nina and Debbi putting in their answers: with Nina bagging 9 out of 9, and Debbi scoring 8, it also saw both of them confirming their Official Big Beast status, by pointing out that Dr No was the 6th James Bond Novel.
Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 6th October, 1995, saw which star become the first — apart from our own — to have an observable planet … ?Q2) 6th October, 1981, saw the assassination of Egyptian president, Anwar Sadat. What event was he at, when he was shot: a military parade, a theatrical play, or TV show recording?Q3) 6th October, 1979, saw Pope John Paul 2nd become the first pope to visit where: the White House, the Al Aqsa Mosque, or the Houses of Parliament?Q4) 6th October, 1820, saw the birth of Swedish soprano, Jenny Lind: which famous US showman arranged her US tour of 1850?Q5) And finally … 6th October, 1953, saw British troops sent where?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 5th October, 1962, saw the release of the Eon Productions James Bond movie, Dr No: was Dr No the 2nd, 3rd or 4th James Bond novel … ?A1) As it turned out, the sixth.Q2) In which year did Eon Productions release the first James Bond novel as a film?A2) 2006.Q3) More to the point, what was the name of that film … ?A3) Casino Royale.Q4) EQUALLY to the point, who played M in that film?A4) Judi Dench.Q5) And who played M in Dr No … ?A5) Bernard Lee.Q6) Moving on … 5th October, 1968, is generally agreed to mark the start of The Troubles: in which part of the UK?A6) Northern Ireland.Q7) 5th October, 1969, saw the broadcast of the first episode of Monty Python’s Flying Circus: who was the first member of the team to appear on screen?A7) Michæl Palin: whose first word on the show was “IT’S”.Q8) 5th October, 2000, saw opposition protestors storm which country’s parliament building … ?A8) Yugoslavia. (The country had famously fragmented at the time, but … )Q9) And FINALLY … 5th October, 1984, saw who become the first Canadian in space, aboard the Space Shuttle challenger … ?A9) Marc Garneau.
Enjoy those, everyone.
I’ll leave you with these …
1) 51 Pegasi
2) Military parade
3) The White House
4) P.T. Barnum
5) British Guiana
1. 51 Pegasi
2. a military parade
3. the White House
4. P.T. Barnum
5. British Guiana
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