You know, you believe it …
But it’s ’Flu Jab time!
I don’t know about where you are — and I’m very aware one regular reader’s in Maryland, with another in Finland — but the UK has regular annual ’Flu jabs for those that need them.
Pregnant women, anyone over 65, or who’s HIV positive, has Asthma, Bronchitis … or is a member of medical staff*.
At any rate, the government’s announced that it’s cancelled the traditional ’Flu jab TV campaign.
Hmmm …
I don’t know whether that’s good or bad, but it is understandable, the the various economic troubles.
Either way … ?
I don’t know how much trouble ’flu’s going to be, this year.
Given that weather … !
Lets make hay, shall we … ? While the sun’s shiningº … !
Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Nina putting their answers: with Nina telling us how the show went, and Debbi pointing out exactly how she fells about a certain dictatorª, it saw Debbi bagging 4 out of 5, and Nina, 5.
Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 3rd October, 1995, saw O. J. Simpson acquitted of murder: what does ‘OJ’ stand for … ?Q2) 3rd October, 1835, saw the founding of noted pencil makers, the Stædtler Company: in which German city?Q3) 3rd October, 1964, is the date that — allegedly — saw the first serving of what, in a New York restaurant?Q4) 3rd October, 1990, saw the formal reunification of which European country … ?Q5) And finally … 3rd October, 1975, saw the end of the siege in which London restaurant?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 2nd October, 1890 saw the birth of Julius Henry Groucho Marx: what was the name of the first Marx Brother’s movie, in 1929 … ?A1) The Cocoanuts.Q2) 2nd October, 1950, saw the national US debut of the Peanuts strips, by Charles Schultz: Name any one of the eight US papers it appeared in.A2) The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the Allentown Call Chronicle, the Bethlehem Globe Times, the Denver Post, the Seattle Times — PHEW — and the Boston Globe.Q3) 2nd October, 1959, saw US viewers enter The Twilight Zone for the first time: what was the name of the man who both presented and created the series?A3) Rod Serling.Q4) 2nd October, 1983, saw Neil Kinnock elected as leader of the Britain’s Labour party: who was named as deputy leader, in that election … ?A4) Roy Hattersley.Q5) And finally … 2nd October, 1944, saw Nazi troops end an uprising in which East European city … ?A5) Warsaw.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …
After I’ve left you with a tune …
As it’s Scissor Sister’s frontman, Jake Shear’s, birthday … !
* I have to ask how many jabs you get if you’re an asthmatic, HIV⁺ nurse who’s over 65, I really don’t know …
ª I’m with her on that …
º I think I’ve been bitten by at least two mosquitoes. Mosquitoes! It’s OCTOBER, for heaven’s SAKE!
We do have flu shots in Finland too, you know... But I rely on vitamin C and garlic! Keep away, flu bugs and vampires! :)
1) Orenthal James (I can see why he prefers OJ)
2) Nuremberg, or Nürnberg
3) Buffalo chicken wings
4) Germany
5) Spaghetti House
We have flu shots, also. But the last time I got one, I got SO sick, I swore I'd never get another.
I'll take my chances. :)
1. Orenthal James (not orange juice)
2. Nuremberg
3. Buffalo chicken wings
4. Germany
5. Spaghetti House
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