Hmmm …
I’ve GOT to confess, I’ve just spent a very frustrating half an hour!
Believe it or not … ?
Waiting for the version of
5.1.1 to load up the half a dozen or so tabs I usually have open to write the Teasers, first thing in the morning.Usually … ?
Usually, I’ve no problem recommending people give it a try: if nothing else, they get to see if they like it.
I’m also very aware that I’m VERY fond of the way it interacts with both Blogger, and most of my other favourite websites.
But unless Apple get’s it right … ?
I think I may follow this chap’s suggestion …
Let‘s get moving on, shall we … ?
Yes, lets … !
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome, still, as it sounds like Nina’s STILL haring around after her recent leg injury — putting in her answers. AND managing to score 5 out of 5, along with writing thoughtfully about the Irish mob.
Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 26th October, 1947, saw the Maharaja of where allow his state to join India … ?Q2) 26th October, 1958, saw the first commercial of the Boeing 707: by which carrier … ?Q3) More to the point, where was it going … ?Q4) 26th October, 2001, saw the USA PATRIOT Act signed into US law: what does USA PATRIOT stand for … ?Q5) 26th October, 1979, saw the president of where, shot by his Chief of Intelligence … ?Q6) And finally … 26th October, 2000, saw the Phillips Report criticise the government for misleading the public about BSE and vCJD: what does vCJD stand for … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 25th October, 1944, saw the sinking of the USS Tang, as a result of a malfunctioning what: engine, torpedo or ballast tank … ?A1) Torpedo.Q2) 25th October, 1962, saw which country join the UN … ?A2) Uganda.Q3) 25th October, 1945, saw the island of Taiwan taken over by whom … ?A3) The Republic of China.Q4) 25th October, 1984, saw the European Union — or E. E. C as it was, then — give £1.8 million worth of aid which African country … ?A4) Ethiopia.Q5) And finally … 25th October, 2004, saw transactions in US dollars banned, where … ?A5) In Cuba.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …
Now, I feel like I need to set the record straight about my absence... :)
My leg's pretty ok, I'm still on crutches as a precaution, but since I'm finally able to WORK, I've been doing just that and not much else for a week and a half... So "haring around" pretty much covers it, actually. :D So I've had a pretty good reason for not being here, right?? :D
(Or is there EVER a good reason...? ;))
Anyway, here goes, hope I'm not too rusty! :D
1) Kashmir
2) Pan American World Airways
3) New York-Paris
4) Uniting and Strengthening America By Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (PHEW!!! Nearly ran out of breath there!)
5) South Korea
6) Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (i.e. Mad Cow)
Yay! :)
Great to see you back, Nina! :D
Well, here we go ...
1. Jammu and Kashmir
2. Pan American World Airways
3. New York to Paris
4. Uniting and Strengthening America By Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (worst acronym EVER!)
5. South Korea
6. variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Whew! :)
Glad you liked the Irish mob post! :D
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