
Saturday 5 November 2011

The Bonfire Night Teaser — 5-11-11

Hmmm …

You know, I’ve GOT to confess, two themed quizzes in the space of a week … ?

Is DEFINITELY unusual, I know.

But given it’s Bonfire Night — or, Guy Fawkes Night, as it’s occasionally known — and that I’ve never actually tried one … ?

I’m hoping people don’t mind me waving a few themed questions about.

Lets get moving on, shall we?

Before I start telling you about the new elements being added to the periodic table^.


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome, bless her, before she heads off to bit of a do — putting in her answers and bagging 7 out of 7ª.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and videoº …
Q1) 5th November is the traditional date of Bonfire Night in the UK: which plot does this commemorate?

Q2) More to the point, in which year — of the 17th Century — was this … ?

Q3) Who was king of England, at the time … ?

Q4) Guy Fawkes, the man famously arrested in the parliamentary cellars with matches and a lot of barrels of gunpowder, gave his name as what, when arrested … ?

Q5) What was the name of the Englishman who lead the plot … ?

Q6) What actor plays V, the hero of V for Vendetta, who disguises himself in a Guy Fawkes mask?

Q7) Which group of left-wing activists made wearing those masks whilst protesting, popular … ?

Q8) What’s the real name of right wing blogger, Guido Fawkes … ?

Q9) And finally … in which Australian state is there a Guy Fawkes River … ?
And here’s YESTERDAY’S questions and answers …
Q1) 4th November, 1995, saw the assassination of Israeli PM, Yitzhak Rabin: in which city was he … ?
A1) Tel Aviv.

Q2) More to the point, at what sort of event … ?
A2) A peace rally.

Q3) 4th November, 2008, saw who win the US Presidential Elections … ?
A3) Barack Obama.

Q4) Equally to the point, who was his Republican opponent … ?
A4) Senator John McCain.

Q5) 4th November, 1922, saw Howard Carter discover the entrance to Tut-Ankh-Amun’s tomb: what does the name Tut-Ankh-Amun translate as … ?
A5) Living Image of Amun.

Q6) 4th November, 1960, saw Dr Jane Goodall observe chimps doing what: mating, using tools or eating meat … ?
A6) Using tools: the chimps concerned were stripping twigs of their bark, and using them to fish — effectively — for termites.

Q7) And finally … 4th november, 1995, saw the death of actor Paul Eddington: in which British comedy series did he play Jerry Leadbetter … ?
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later.

After I’ve left you with a celebratory fireworks night …
And, of course, V’s introductory speech from V For Vendetta: and a rather novel version, at that …

^ Just so you know, Debbi, there’s been three new elements — of the highly radioactive, blink and you’ll miss ’em, variety — added to the periodic table. I just hope Radio 4 gets THAT added to the website, at some point …

ª Oh, Debbi … You DO know Paul Eddington famously played the (fictional) British PM, Jim Hacker in Yes, Prime Minister? Oh … And crops up in Arrival, as Cobb … ?

º I’ve GOT to admit, I’m seriously pleased with today’s video: it’s a gem. Mind you, I would say that, wouldn’t I … ?


  1. q1 gunpowder plot
    q2 1604
    q3 james vi
    q4 guido fawkes
    q5 joe blogg
    q6 guy pearce
    q7 anarchists
    q8 david cameron
    q9 victoria

  2. I'm baaaack...

    1. Its history begins with the events of 5 November 1605, when Guy Fawkes, a member

    of the Gunpowder Plot, was arrested while guarding explosives the plotters had placed

    beneath the House of Lords. Known as the Gunpowder Plot.
    2. 1605
    3. King James I
    4. Johnson
    5. Thomas Wintour (recruiter) and Robert Catesby (the actual plotter)
    6. Hugo Weaving
    7. Paul Staines
    8. Northern New South Wales, Australia

  3. I missed the real Q7). The Occupy Movement.

  4. I didn't realize it was Guy Fawkes Day. I saw that on another blog, as well as yours. I'll have to blog about it, because Nov. 5 is a significant date in my life. More later. :)

    1. The Gunpowder Plot
    2. 1605
    3. King James I
    4. John Johnson
    5. Robert Catesby
    6. Hugo Weaving
    7. Anonymous
    8. Paul Staines
    9. New South Wales

  5. Back to Q7): Predating the Occupy Movement, Anonymous, an Internet-based group, has adopted the Guy Fawkes mask as their symbol (in reference to an Internet meme) notably worn by members during Project Chanology's protests against the Church of Scientology. Anonymous' latest target has been the Mexican Drug Cartel. These guys are badass...

    So are the Occupiers.

  6. Welcome back, Kaiju … !

    And, yes, I saw that one about the Anonymous comments about the Mexican drug cartel: they’re either Badass … Or suicidal … !

    And, Debbi, I’ll be keeping me eye’s peeled … !


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