
Thursday 15 December 2011

The Daily Teaser - 15-12-2011

You know, I’ve GOT to admit, I had the television on, last night.

Strange, I know, especially when you consider that I’ve had the radio — and specifically BBC Radio Four — on most mornings, just recently.

But last night … ?

Last night saw BBC showing a documentary about the late Apple CEO and Chairman, Steve Jobs.

OK, granted I know a lot of the history involved: but nonetheless, it was fascinating stuff to watch.

If you get the chance, I’d suggest trying to catch it.

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, let’s …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Nina putting in their answers: with both commenting on The Masochism Tango*, it also saw them both bagging a debatable 6 out of 6. Or possibly 5 out of 6ª!

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 15th December, 2009, saw the maiden flight of the 787 Dreamliner: which company built it?

Q2) More to the point, which US state did that flight take place in … ?

Q3) 15th December, 1973, saw the American Psychiatric Association remove what from their list of psychiatric disorders?

Q4) 15th December, 1859, saw the birth of linguist, Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof: which constructed language did he famously invent … ?

Q5) More to the point, how does one say Hello, in that language … ?

Q6) 15th December, 2010 saw the death of American director, Blake Edwards: what was the name of the second Pink Panther film … ?

Q7) And finally … 15th December, 1982, saw Spain open its borders with where … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) What’s your star-sign, if you were born on 14th December?
A1) Sagittariusº.

Q2) More to the point, which Chinese star-sign would you be … ?
A2) One of twelve, actually: Chinese star signs are tied to the year of birth, rather than the day and month.

Q3) 14th December, 1896, saw the opening of the Underground Railway in which British city … ?
A3) Glasgow.

Q4) 14th December, 1969, saw the birth of actress, Natascha McElhone: in which George Clooney film did she play Rheya … ?
A4) Solaris.

Q5) 14th December, 1918, saw Prince Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse renounce the throne of which European country … ?
A5) Finland.

Q6) And finally … 14th December, 2003, saw the capture of Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein: 10 miles south of which Iraqi town … ?
A6) Tikrit.
Enjoy those, everyone. I’ll catch you later.

After I’ve shared something with you …

* I’ve got to admit, Nina, I’ve been a fan of Dr Lehrer for some time, now. If you get the chance to look up The Elements Song, or I Got It From Agnes, I’d encourage it.

ª Moi, tricky … ? Debbi! That’s a vile accuracy … !

º As Nina point’s out, there’s alternatives

1 comment:

  1. Saluton! Just trying out my Esperanto. :)

    1. Boeing
    2. Washington
    3. homosexuality
    4. Esperanto
    5. saluton
    6. A Shot in the Dark
    7. Gibraltar


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